May 2012 Moms


How did this week go? Whats new and on your minds?
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    I'm annoyed that the girl who runs the Fundraising dept at work is totally clueless. You work for a non-profit, you are an essential part of the business. I am secretly hoping that she follows the apparent pattern of that department and quits in the next 6 months so I can put in for her job. Probably not a nice thought but I can stand it when people are so incompetant at their JOB.
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers

    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers


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    I can't stand when people, in a quiet office environment talk on their cells phones, especially about personal things.  A co-worker is on the phone with her husband, talking about his daughter (from a previous marriage) that is going to a private school (expensive) and that if/when they have a child, she doesn't want that one to suffer in school because they spent all the money on the 1st child... and that her husband needs to stop getting pushed over by the ex-wife who gets away with everything...

    Ugh... take the call else where, like at home...  It was seriously almost a 10 min convo...

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    I want a glass of wine and a nap...too bad I'm 10 weeks pregnant :-( maybe a sip and a long blink.
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    I want a glass of wine and a nap...too bad I'm 10 weeks pregnant :-( maybe a sip and a long blink.

    Im going out for a friends going away party, and the last time we went to this place where we are going, I drank an entire bottle of moscato by myself... and Im pretty sure I will again tonight... Ill make sure one of the glasses is in your honor!  (and in honor of all of the may 2012 mommas that are pregnant again!) 

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    I was to tired to even attempt valentines sex with hubby last night and tonight's not looking promising either.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Untitled
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    I just spend my day off watching my baby girl cleaning the bathrooms and doing dishes while she naps and my husband gets home from work and plays games on fb. Kinda ticked. And when he has days off and i work i come home to a dirty house dishes everywhere piled high the i get stuck doing them. Mommy needs a night out!
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    In effort to reduce the amount of laundry at my house, I now layer LO's fleece pjs over whatever she was wearing that day. I know, super lazy!
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