Cloth Diapering


It's Friday (and it's a long weekend for some, yay).  Confess your deepest, darkest secrets to your favorite internet strangers.

Re: ~~~FFFC~~~

  • I seriously can't stop thinking about cheese lately.  I've been dairy free to help with DS's reflux for the last two months.  I've had my doubts about whether it's really working or not, but his GI specialist advised me to continue with it, although he said I could try working in some dairy and just assessing DS.  I really want to try it, but I feel totally guilty for even thinking about it because DS will be the one who suffers if it doesn't work out.  I vacillate between wanting to order a large cheese pizza and letting the chips fall where they may and beating myself up for not being able to suck it up for another couple of months.
  • I want the nursery done NOW!! and I'm only 19 weeks. I'm too impatient to wait for people to get around to buying things they want to help out with.

    And I super tempted to buy clothes, and I don't even know the sex! I've got until Tuesday to wait. So excited to find out!!!

    So since I'm on a buying streak I decided to registry to see what would be okay from a regular store and I'm surprised by how few items I have on there. And I'm not registering for clothes or towels because I assume people will just buy what they think is cute.

    I'm just ready to have it all put together and my one shower that has a date, isn't until 34 weeks! It seems like forever away!
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  • imageYellowLily2013:
    I want the nursery done NOW!! and I'm only 19 weeks. I'm too impatient to wait for people to get around to buying things they want to help out with. And I super tempted to buy clothes, and I don't even know the sex! I've got until Tuesday to wait. So excited to find out!!! So since I'm on a buying streak I decided to registry to see what would be okay from a regular store and I'm surprised by how few items I have on there. And I'm not registering for clothes or towels because I assume people will just buy what they think is cute. I'm just ready to have it all put together and my one shower that has a date, isn't until 34 weeks! It seems like forever away!

    To avoid the buying twitch, I did a lot of registry work.  I figured it was free retail theropy.  It worked out pretty well until black friday came and I saw all the deals!

    I've had my hemp inserts cut for a week now.  Every night I've looked at them and just think, I'm too tired.  Sometimes I wish I could have some me time in the house alone for once, without having to worry about my daughter waking from a nap or what she's getting into.

    It's more my fault for not voicing this to my husband. Grocery shopping by myself is nice, but it's just not the same. 

  • imagekiraliz2:

    I've been trying to train him to sleep in his crib at that time. I've been sleeping in our guest room (right next to the nursery) so I can soothe him quickly if he wakes up. My FFFC is that I am finding out that I kind of love not sleeping with DH. Having the bed to myself is awesome. I may have even moved H to the swing one night and stayed in the guest room.

    My dh often falls asleep in the livingroom recliner at night and stays there most of the night. I love sleeping by myself, I sleep so much better!

    Brenda IAmPregnant Ticker BabyFruit Ticker Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
  • I'm 20 weeks and my nursery is done. It's winter, it's generally below zero out and I can't sit still, even when I'm tired.
  • I went to a friends house wednesday night to watch a show he DVR's for me (we don't have cable and its not online)  We split a bottle of wine, over the course of like the 4 1/2 hours I was there. Even though it had been 2 hours since my last glass of wine, I was still a bit "giddy" feeling when I left. I also had a headache yesterday. I'm not sure if I was hung over or getting the cold DH had. 


    I was absolutely not drunk though.  

    Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • We had dinner with some friends last weekend. They used to CD, but she was telling me about how they fell of the wagon, and it's so hard to keep up with the laundry, and spossies are just so darn convenient. I'm totally giving her the side eye. She's a SAHM, and while I know she's very busy taking care of her LO all day (I'm in no way bashing SAHMs, I think they're wonderful!)... she can't find 5 minuets in her day to throw a load of laundry in... Ugh I'm just annoyed. She was the only one I knew IRL who did CD's, too.

    photo e9455f4d-9751-469e-a19f-460104cd2e5c.jpg photo jan15.jpg
    BFP #1 5/20/10 Natural MC at 5w4d 5/28/10
    BFP #2 11/3/10; BO at u/s 10w6d 12/16/10; Natural MC 1/7/11; D&C 4/21/11
    BFP #3 10/27/11 Please stick, LO!! 2/6/12 It's a Girl! Alexis Grace born 6/29/12
    BFP#4 4/27/14 Stick, stick, stick!! 8/11/14 It's a Boy! Evan Wesley born 1/8/15
    "Patience is waiting. Not passively waiting. That is laziness. But to keep going when the going is hard and slow, that is patience."  Let it Be (blog)My BFP Charts
    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers
    This time I'm not leaving without you.
  • imageChickypoo2468:
    I seriously can't stop thinking about cheese lately.nbsp; I've been dairy free to help with DS's reflux for the last two months.nbsp; I've had my doubts about whether it's really working or not, but his GI specialist advised me to continue with it, although he said I could try working in some dairy and just assessing DS.nbsp; I really want to try it, but I feel totally guilty for even thinking about it because DS will be the one who suffers if it doesn't work out.nbsp; I vacillate between wanting to order a large cheese pizza and letting the chips fall where they may and beating myself up for not being able to suck it up for another couple of months.
    Can't you try lactaid? They make pills that you take before you consume any dairy.

    Sadly, no.  It's an issue with the protein in the milk, so any dairy product can be a problem.

  • My FFFC is that I secretly have been Catfishing you all.

    This is in my house right now: image

    I am actually HeatherAtPampers.

    Suddenly my life doesn't seem such a waste,
    It all revolves around you.
  • imageInto+the+Kitty:

    My FFFC is that I secretly have been Catfishing you all.

    This is in my house right now: image

    I am actually HeatherAtPampers.

    Bahahaha! What are you really doing with all those Pampers? Is that the starter kit for CD anonymous?

  • imageAMLauer:
    I'm 20 weeks and my nursery is done. It's winter, it's generally below zero out and I can't sit still, even when I'm tired.

    What?!?! Are you a FTM?? If not I get it. But if so, what about showers?? Surely people want to throw you one.
  • imagestoneycakes:

    My FFFC is that I secretly have been Catfishing you all.

    This is in my house right now: image

    I am actually HeatherAtPampers.

    Bahahaha! What are you really doing with all those Pampers? Is that the starter kit for CD anonymous?

    Lol, no, it's just some random picture from google.

    Suddenly my life doesn't seem such a waste,
    It all revolves around you.
  • Most of my co workers are driving me crazy!!! I feel like I'm all alone and this week I really was... I had to beg everyday for a co teacher... If your kids daycare teacher is calling you every day with problems your child is having you can't just keep blaming it on another student! One of the hardest parts is that I nurse my child twice a day... thats it! But every time I go to nurse her I am left in a room full of infants so that my daughters teachers use the bathroom!... Its so frustrating... UGH if her daycare wasn't free I'd so be at home!!!
  • Ok, with four minutes left here's my FFFC...

    I get annoyed with the posts that are like, "YUCK! Cloth diapers! Convince me you guys aren't gross!"

    JFC I don't give enough craps to answer them.

    Now, lurkers with intelligent concerns and questions, I will gladly help.

    Suddenly my life doesn't seem such a waste,
    It all revolves around you.
  • I'm in a different time zone than ITK so it's still Friday here. And I just discovered I like going to bed alone. I used to wait up for MH, or whine for him to come to bed with me. Now sleep is more precious than cuddle time, and I enjoy the time sleeping with no snoring in my ear.
    Don't tell MH though. He thinks he's lucky to get to go have a beer next door and feels guilty leaving me to go to bed alone.
    ETA: and of course, as soon as I posted this LO started crying. So much for going to bed. When will I learn to keep my mouth shut regarding sleep?
    TTC with PCOS since November 2009
    IUI#1 Femara/Ovidrel (cd 3-7) = BFP, m/c
    IUI#2 Femara/Ovidrel (cd 5-9) = BFN
    IUI#3 Femara/Ovidrel (cd 3-7) = BFP!
    beta #1 11/23 = 270, P4 = 75
    beta #2 11/28 = 2055
    Our daughter E was born 7/29/2012!
    Surprise, our 2nd daughter P was born 5/22/14!
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