Cloth Diapering

Maybe a silly question, but I'm a FTM

Do you use a diaper pail to collect used diapers before laundering? Any recommendations?

Working on the registry right now... thanks! 

Re: Maybe a silly question, but I'm a FTM

  • I used the hamper (no lid) that matched our nursery stuff and put a wet bag in it. We tried the diaper genie and it would keep the smell in, everytime we opened it the smell would about knock us over. I recommend something without a lid.

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  • I use a hanging wetbag. We leave it zipped open about 90% of them time. Occasionally he'll have a poop that makes our whole room stink and will zip up the bag, usually not though.
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  • I also use a hanging wet bag that I leave unzipped. Mine is a Planet Wise large wet/dry bag. I have 2 that I rotate so that I have one to use while the other is in the wash.
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  • I use a tall, flip top trash can with a wet bag.
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  • imageChickypoo2468:
    I use a step can w a pail liner.

     This.  It was like $10 a Target.  

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  • I use a tall kitchen trash can with a planetwise pail liner. Not very stylish but it works. An attractive hamper with a waterproof liner would be a nice way to go.
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  • Skip the expensive diaper pails.  Anything that seals the diaper in will cause stink issues.

    Most people use one of two methods:

    1. Pail liner in a trash can

    2. hanging wet bags

    Take a look at your nursery and decide which one will function best for you.

    We don't have a lot of space in the room, so I went with hanging bags.  I usually have one in the nursery on the closet door, one in the bathroom in a small trash can for sprayed diapers and sometimes one hanging from the closet door in the hallway.

    Just take a minute and think about where you will be changing your little one.

  • I also use a flip top can with a wet bag
  • I use a hanging wetbag.
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  • I just bought a cheap plastic garbage can with no cover for 5. I have 2 pail liners that I plan to rotate.
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  • We use a hanging wet bag, her laundry bag also hangs, we just didn't have room for hamper and a diaper pail, hanging them saved room.
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