May 2012 Moms

Pointless Poll of the Day

Just realized I haven't been doing these lately...

Here we go:

Home made Mac 'n Cheese, or boxed?


Do you eat it with a spoon or fork, and in a bowl or a plate? 

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Re: Pointless Poll of the Day

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    Me: 9 times out of 10 its boxed (I CAN NOT do the velvetta and shells, that makes me sick, I have to do Kraft mac n cheese), and in a bowl with a spoon...
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    Me: 9 times out of 10 its boxed (I CAN NOT do the velvetta and shells, that makes me sick, I have to do Kraft mac n cheese), and in a bowl with a spoon...

    I can't do velveeta and shells either, but there are so many good home made recipes that don't include velveeta. So I prefer a good home made recipe, eaten with a fork, on a plate.

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    I love homemade mac and cheese but for some reason I never make it I make boxed Kraft on occasion.

    I eat both with a fork and I eat it in a bowl if it is by itself or on a plate as a side.

    Does anyone have any easy homeade recipes that they love?

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    Obviously boxed is way easier (Kraft or Velveeta, I don't discriminate) but I love making homemade. I eat it with a fork in a bowl.
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    Me: 9 times out of 10 its boxed I CAN NOT do the velvetta and shells, that makes me sick, I have to do Kraft mac n cheese, and in a bowl with a spoon...
    . All of this, except with a fork!

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    Love homemade, but I never make it. Target brand is pretty good. Always a fork, Bowl if it's my meal. Plate if it's a side.
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    Strangest thing ever, I LOVE cheese (like an unnatural amount of love) but I have yet to try a homemade I like. Also can't do velveeta. I do Kraft, in a bowl with a spon but I will accept a fork if there is no spoon. However, I have this weird thing with smells where I am super sensitive to them and I can't make it myself. I am fine if somebody else makes it, I can eat it; but I can't mix the fake cheese powder in by myself. Yes; I realise I am a huge weirdo.
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    Home made all the way!  Such a comfort food..I especially love crunchy breadcrumbs on the top :)

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    I love both equally and differently, it's like they aren't the same food to me. The same way chicken nuggets and roast chicken aren't the same thing but they are, if that makes any sense.

    I make homemade with white cheddar cheese and that is on a plate with a fork. Kraft is in a bowl with a spoon unless its a side then on a plate.
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    I think I'm the odd one out, I don't like either! I didn't grow up eating mac cheese so I don't like it. DS1 loves the box kind and will refuse the homemade one.
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    I do Kraft, in a bowl with a spon but I will accept a fork if there is no spoon.

    This made me laugh.

    Same here. For some reason reminds me of a dr Seuss quote lol
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    Homemade, fork, bowl.
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    I agree with Bellelamb.  Homemade and boxed are almost like two different foods.  I like them both, but prefer homemade.  I eat it in a bowl with a fork.
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    We like the homemaid... but i honestly feel like it is so much more fattening then the box stuff!!!  lol maybe cuz i watch everything going in it.  

    i love the velveeta low fat shells and cheese!!!!!  LOL

    bowl and spoon please...


    sometimes I like to add tuna to it.  gross, some may thing but sometimes i just need to add a lil protein!! 

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    Haven't been on here in a few days, so I'm late. I like this one so I wanted to respond! :)

    Agree with pp's that Kraft and homemade are from 2 diff worlds. Prefer homemade, still love kraft. When it's kraft, we add 2 slices of kraft slices and more milk than called for so it's a little runny. Then, it's in a bowl with a spoon. If it's homemade, its usually a side so it's on a plate with a fork.

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