May 2012 Moms

I need help!

So I woke up this morning to DD making a weird squeaking type sound so I ran and looked at her and she was literally covered in vomit and still projectile vomiting her pjs and blankets.. I felt so bad I cleaned we up and brought her in bed with me and we slept for like 15 minutes until she started puking again... So what should I do? Try and give her some pedialite? Or water of formula? I have never been through this so I thought I would ask for some advice. Thank you!
   EDD for #2 is December 8th, 2013, so excited for our 2nd team green baby! 
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Re: I need help!

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    Call your Pedi. They may want to see her especially if it doesn't stop.

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    Oh I'm sorry!! Puking babies suck! Try about an 1/2 an oz of pedilite every hour. Watch for dehydration by bright yellow pee, wrinkled lips or caved in soft spot. If those happen and vomiting continues call your dr. Other wise may I suggest getting bath towels and putting them under her in bed, on the couch where ever since they're easier to was than the bed and couch.

    If she keeps the pedilite down after a few hours you can try an oz at a time and then if that stays down you can try a little formula. Or rice cereal.

    Good luck hopefully it passes quickly
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    If she continuously vomiting I would call your pedi. To see what they want you to do.nbsp;If its been a little awhile since she's last vomited I would try giving her a little formula. nbsp;

    Formula is not the best to start with as milk products are very heavy and hard to digest when you have a tummy bug.

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    You've already gotten a lot of good advice so I just wanted to say that I'm sorry your LO doesn't feel well! Hope she feels better soon.

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    DS had the stomach flu and it was a really bad one, but it was quick. He was throwing up almost non-stop. I got freaked out so I took him into the ER because I was out of town. They gave him zofran, and he seemed to get better. Then after he got it, literally everyone else in my family but me got it. It seemed to be about a six hour bug. It was scary! I feel your pain right now. They recommended giving him pedialite if he could keep it down, and then keep giving it to him for the rest of the day after he stopped vomiting. 
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    If she continuously vomiting I would call your pedi. To see what they want you to do.nbsp;If its been a little awhile since she's last vomited I would try giving her a little formula. nbsp;

    Formula is not the best to start with as milk products are very heavy and hard to digest when you have a tummy bug.

    oh I was just going by what our pedi told us. She said to continue with breast milk/formula and then if she can't keep that down go to pedialite.

     I know you have 3 little ones and more experience on this so just ignore me! :)

     OP I hope your LO feels better soon! 

    Sorry I didn't mean to say you didn't know what your doing!! I hope I didn't hurt your feelings! I was just saying what my pedi has said before and what's worked for us. Again I'm sorry
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    Call the doctor. GL
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    Poor baby ; I think if it is projectile vomiting especially this young you should probably call the pediatrician. Good luck and I hope your little one feels better soon!
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