
Roll call!

Who's still here?

I am just logging on really. I had my 6 PP appointment and got Mirena installed. DH is bummed that he now has to wait another week for sex. Meh.

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Re: Roll call!

  • Hi.

    I'm waiting on cloth diaper laundry, which I put off for waaaaay too long.  Now I must pay.

    // I love you too. //

  • imageNativeFloridian:


    I'm waiting on cloth diaper laundry, which I put off for waaaaay too long.  Now I must pay.

    I asked DH to do the second rinse cycle and the wash cycle while I was gone. He did neither cycles.

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  • I'm here for once. But not for long.

    DH is showering, then we are watching Dexter. 

    Our Little Lady
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    Avery - 8.2.07 | Asher - 5.12.10 | Audrey - 11.28.12

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  • imageNana_Osaki06:


    I'm waiting on cloth diaper laundry, which I put off for waaaaay too long.  Now I must pay.

    I asked DH to do the second rinse cycle and the wash cycle while I was gone. He did neither cycles.

    Augh!  My approximate reaction would be as follows:


    Those fcuking rinse cycles seem to take forever, man.

    // I love you too. //

  • Here and all over. I'm a dirty lurker in other boards tonight.

    Parenting Floozie Brigades official motto:  We welcome to you the board with open legs.  Also, open beers. ~@cinemagoddess

  • imageNativeFloridian:


    I'm waiting on cloth diaper laundry, which I put off for waaaaay too long.  Now I must pay.

    I asked DH to do the second rinse cycle and the wash cycle while I was gone. He did neither cycles.

    Augh!  My approximate reaction would be as follows:


    Those fcuking rinse cycles seem to take forever, man.

    My whole wash routine takes forever. Like 2 hours long just to wash.

    Lilypie Kids Birthday tickersLilypie Third Birthday tickersImage and video hosting by TinyPic
  • imageNana_Osaki06:


    I'm waiting on cloth diaper laundry, which I put off for waaaaay too long.  Now I must pay.

    I asked DH to do the second rinse cycle and the wash cycle while I was gone. He did neither cycles.

    Augh!  My approximate reaction would be as follows:


    Those fcuking rinse cycles seem to take forever, man.

    My whole wash routine takes forever. Like 2 hours long just to wash.

    I had to strip the other day thanks to the yeast beast.  That was fun.  Hot rinse, hot wash with bleach, hot rinse, hot rinse, second hot wash with bleach, hot rinse, hot rinse, (extra hot rinse because I wanted to be sure there was NO detergent or bleach left) aaand into the dryer on high.  And then a second tumble on high because they still weren't dry.  I'm sure my PUL loved it, but the heat kills the yeast and it's been intermittently rainy so I couldn't just sun the damn things.  FML.

    // I love you too. //

  • imagemissyleaferg:
    Here and all over. I'm a dirty lurker in other boards tonight.


    // I love you too. //

  • I'm usually more of a dirty lurker on here but decided to come out and play for a bit tonight.
    AlternaTickers - Cool, free Web tickersimage
    imageAlternaTickers - Cool, free Web tickers
    Farewell, nesticle, you will be missed
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  • My uterus hurts.
  • imageHesterlicious:
    My uterus hurts.

    I haz sympathy. Different but baby related issue. My cs area still hurts when I workout sometimes. I had a very sharp pain while doing pilates last night. Completely took my breath away.

    Parenting Floozie Brigades official motto:  We welcome to you the board with open legs.  Also, open beers. ~@cinemagoddess

  • Dammit. My phone's going to die. Ah, no more bump tonight.

    Parenting Floozie Brigades official motto:  We welcome to you the board with open legs.  Also, open beers. ~@cinemagoddess

  • imageMonsieur_et_Madame_Ha:
    I'm usually more of a dirty lurker on here but decided to come out and play for a bit tonight.


    // I love you too. //

  • imageHesterlicious:
    My uterus hurts.

    So does mine. 

    Have cake Cake

    Lilypie Kids Birthday tickersLilypie Third Birthday tickersImage and video hosting by TinyPic
  • imageNativeFloridian:

    I'm usually more of a dirty lurker on here but decided to come out and play for a bit tonight.



    AlternaTickers - Cool, free Web tickersimage
    imageAlternaTickers - Cool, free Web tickers
    Farewell, nesticle, you will be missed
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  • My uterus hurts too. I'm fighting myself not to eat all the Valentine's candy I bought DH, even though I just had an ice cream cone.

    I'm going to attempt to make heart shaped cookies for the guys at work tomorrow, since due to work schedules they're the only men I'll see all day. 


    Image and video hosting by TinyPic AlternaTickers - Cool, free Web tickers AlternaTickers - Cool, free Web tickers
  • imageMonsieur_et_Madame_Ha:

    I'm usually more of a dirty lurker on here but decided to come out and play for a bit tonight.



    I love that gif.  /swoon

    // I love you too. //

  • imagepearblossom:
    My uterus hurts too. I'm fighting myself not to eat all the Valentine's candy I bought DH, even though I just had an ice cream cone. I'm going to attempt to make heart shaped cookies for the guys at work tomorrow, since due to work schedules they're the only men I'll see all day.nbsp; nbsp;

    Turn some of the heart shapes upside down to make boobies.

    Parenting Floozie Brigades official motto:  We welcome to you the board with open legs.  Also, open beers. ~@cinemagoddess

  • imagemissyleaferg:
    My uterus hurts too. I'm fighting myself not to eat all the Valentine's candy I bought DH, even though I just had an ice cream cone. I'm going to attempt to make heart shaped cookies for the guys at work tomorrow, since due to work schedules they're the only men I'll see all day.nbsp; nbsp;
    Turn some of the heart shapes upside down to make boobies.

    Or butts.

    // I love you too. //

  • image

    I'm having too much fun now.

    // I love you too. //

  • I'm making chocolate chip cookies.  I put honey in mine rather than sugar, and I still haven't bothered figuring out the science behind it but the honey makes the cookie super puffy and extra absorbent - great for milk-dipping.  Delightful.

    // I love you too. //

  • Is it weird to be envious of cookie butt? Why can't mine he shaped so round? Why, I ask?!!1!11!!!!

    Parenting Floozie Brigades official motto:  We welcome to you the board with open legs.  Also, open beers. ~@cinemagoddess

  • imagemissyleaferg:
    Is it weird to be envious of cookie butt? Why can't mine he shaped so round? Why, I ask?!!1!11!!!!

    I'm really very glad I'm not the only one who thought this.

    // I love you too. //

  • Anyone know if the 6 week growth spurt causes babies to get slightly dehydrated?? Little mans soft spot is slightly sunken and he is currently eating more food. I hate growth spurts.
    Lilypie Kids Birthday tickersLilypie Third Birthday tickersImage and video hosting by TinyPic
  • imageNana_Osaki06:
    Anyone know if the 6 week growth spurt causes babies to get slightly dehydrated?? Little mans soft spot is slightly sunken and he is currently eating more food. I hate growth spurts.

    I have no idea, but I feel for you - I hate growth spurts too. 

    AlternaTickers - Cool, free Web tickersimage
    imageAlternaTickers - Cool, free Web tickers
    Farewell, nesticle, you will be missed
    Image and video hosting by TinyPicImage and video hosting by TinyPicImage and video hosting by TinyPic
  • imageNana_Osaki06:
    Anyone know if the 6 week growth spurt causes babies to get slightly dehydrated?? Little mans soft spot is slightly sunken and he is currently eating more food. I hate growth spurts.

    Not sure if there's any science behind it, but I'm inclined to think that since growth spurts require more nutrition they also require more hydration.  Just a personal theory, though.

    Also, MMHa is right.  Growth spurts suck.

    // I love you too. //

  • Hai.  I'm here after a really long & shiity day.  Sad
  • imageNativeFloridian:

    Anyone know if the 6 week growth spurt causes babies to get slightly dehydrated?? Little mans soft spot is slightly sunken and he is currently eating more food. I hate growth spurts.

    Not sure if there's any science behind it, but I'm inclined to think that since growth spurts require more nutrition they also require more hydration.  Just a personal theory, though.

    Also, MMHa is right.  Growth spurts suck.

    That's what I'm thinking too. He isn't super dehydrated though. However, he ate 4 oz then downed another 2. He may get up for the rest here in a little bit. He also only napped once all day. Sooooo, yeah fun shiz.

    Sofa, why was your day and shiity?? 

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  • I will be honest.  I am glad that CDing never worked out with P.  lol.  I don't think I could deal with all thatshit.  (No pun intended!)
  • imagesofamonkey:
    I will be honest.  I am glad that CDing never worked out with P.  lol.  I don't think I could deal with all thatshit.  (No pun intended!)

    Eh, to me it's not that bad, but it isn't for everyone. Besides, it gives me a hobby. I collect diapers. 

    Lilypie Kids Birthday tickersLilypie Third Birthday tickersImage and video hosting by TinyPic
  • Oh, my day.  Yeah. I went in for my boring appt. & ended up doing a NST & lab tests.  I have high BP & it has been creeping up.  Since I am 39 weeks tomorrow, they won't treat it.  I go back Sat to re-do labs & the NST & they might induce.  Woooo.  Eff me.  I am an emotional wreck. 

    Also, tl;dr.  Sowwy.

  • Sofa, every time I see your siggy image I want - really want - to have something witty to say, but all I can think of is, "That monkey has an extraordinarily large butthole."

    // I love you too. //

  • imageNana_Osaki06:

    I will be honest.  I am glad that CDing never worked out with P.  lol.  I don't think I could deal with all thatshit.  (No pun intended!)

    Eh, to me it's not that bad, but it isn't for everyone. Besides, it gives me a hobby. I collect diapers. 

    Oh, don't get me wrong. I can totally appreciate people that CD & they really are cute & worth doing.  I sort of would like to do it.  I just think that the laundry would kill me some days.  haha. 
  • imageNativeFloridian:

    Sofa, every time I see your siggy image I want - really want - to have something witty to say, but all I can think of is, "That monkey has an extraordinarily large butthole."

    Hahahahaha!  He does, and I had not noticed that.  lol
  • imagesofamonkey:

    Oh, my day.  Yeah. I went in for my boring appt. & ended up doing a NST & lab tests.  I have high BP & it has been creeping up.  Since I am 39 weeks tomorrow, they won't treat it.  I go back Sat to re-do labs & the NST & they might induce.  Woooo.  Eff me.  I am an emotional wreck. 

    Also, tl;dr.  Sowwy.

    The high BP is what did me in. I had one high read and they just said waiting till 41+ weeks wasn't going to happen. So they scheduled my section. It sucks, but it's better than what could happen. I hope they give you as much time as possible. Hopefully he will just come before they induce! 

    Also, holy crap your almost 39 weeks. Where did the time go??

    Lilypie Kids Birthday tickersLilypie Third Birthday tickersImage and video hosting by TinyPic
  • imageNana_Osaki06:

    Oh, my day.  Yeah. I went in for my boring appt. & ended up doing a NST & lab tests.  I have high BP & it has been creeping up.  Since I am 39 weeks tomorrow, they won't treat it.  I go back Sat to re-do labs & the NST & they might induce.  Woooo.  Eff me.  I am an emotional wreck. 

    Also, tl;dr.  Sowwy.

    The high BP is what did me in. I had one high read and they just said waiting till 41+ weeks wasn't going to happen. So they scheduled my section. It sucks, but it's better than what could happen. I hope they give you as much time as possible. Hopefully he will just come before they induce! 

    Also, holy crap your almost 39 weeks. Where did the time go??

    It's been slowly rising.  :/ 

    The time?  She went right out the window.  Right OUT!

  • imagesofamonkey:

    Oh, my day.  Yeah. I went in for my boring appt. & ended up doing a NST & lab tests.  I have high BP & it has been creeping up.  Since I am 39 weeks tomorrow, they won't treat it.  I go back Sat to re-do labs & the NST & they might induce.  Woooo.  Eff me.  I am an emotional wreck. 

    Also, tl;dr.  Sowwy.

    The high BP is what did me in. I had one high read and they just said waiting till 41+ weeks wasn't going to happen. So they scheduled my section. It sucks, but it's better than what could happen. I hope they give you as much time as possible. Hopefully he will just come before they induce! 

    Also, holy crap your almost 39 weeks. Where did the time go??

    It's been slowly rising.  :/ 

    The time?  She went right out the window.  Right OUT!

    Yup, so did mine. My normal BP is really really low though. So for me high is above 120, but I had a read in the 140's. Thats how we got my section. It just kept rising those last few weeks. I really hope he comes on his own.

    Lilypie Kids Birthday tickersLilypie Third Birthday tickersImage and video hosting by TinyPic
  • I'm  going to be a fatty and make Nutella and banana french toast. Stick out tongue


    Lilypie Kids Birthday tickersLilypie Third Birthday tickersImage and video hosting by TinyPic
  • imageNana_Osaki06:

    Oh, my day.  Yeah. I went in for my boring appt. & ended up doing a NST & lab tests.  I have high BP & it has been creeping up.  Since I am 39 weeks tomorrow, they won't treat it.  I go back Sat to re-do labs & the NST & they might induce.  Woooo.  Eff me.  I am an emotional wreck. 

    Also, tl;dr.  Sowwy.

    The high BP is what did me in. I had one high read and they just said waiting till 41+ weeks wasn't going to happen. So they scheduled my section. It sucks, but it's better than what could happen. I hope they give you as much time as possible. Hopefully he will just come before they induce! 

    Also, holy crap your almost 39 weeks. Where did the time go??

    It's been slowly rising.  :/ 

    The time?  She went right out the window.  Right OUT!

    Yup, so did mine. My normal BP is really really low though. So for me high is above 120, but I had a read in the 140's. Thats how we got my section. It just kept rising those last few weeks. I really hope he comes on his own.

    Same!  'Cept it has been rising the last few months.  Blerg. I mean, it is what it is & I will be fine.  It's just a lot to deal with all at once, which I'm sure you know. 

    So, you taking Cade in to the pedi tomorrow?  Sad

  • Oh, yeah.  I forgot they found out that the baby has an irregular heartbeat too.  There isn't a defect, just a murmur that should probably resolve without surgery by the time he is 4ish months old.  Sad
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