
Moms of 2...

Are you considering having a third child? If yes, have you always wanted 3 or more?

Re: Moms of 2...

  • I always wanted 4 but after having 2, I think one more would be enough. Some days I think I am done with 2 but We are not going to make any decisions for a couple of years.
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  • I have only technically had one child, but I do have a SD. We have no intentions of making it a 3 children home. We're giving it a couple more years, and if we are still adamant in not having more, DH is getting the snipperoo.

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  • DH and I plan on 1 more. I already had Rosie going into the relationship and DH wanted 2 biological children. I always wanted lots of kids. So in 5 years when my Mirena comes out we will start TTC #3.
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  • I always wanted 4, but it probably won't work out that way. If everything goes according to plan we might be able to try for another in about 3 years. I do want at least one more, but the age gap and the idea of starting the baby stage all over makes me nervous. So we are undecided.
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  • H says he is done at this point but I'm not 100 sure I am. I feel like in a couple of years I might want a 3rd, so we are going to talk about it then.
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  • If I find someone who actually wants to stick around and is game for a big-ish family, I wouldn't mind having one or two more.  Which for me would amount to a total of four or five spawn.  I'm crazy, I know.

    // I love you too. //

  • I'm really happy with 2 children. Does anyone want to take the 3rd off of my hands? He's super cute and wipes his own butt. 
  • Honestly, if I wasn't pregnant at the moment, I think we might stick with just 2. DD2 is just coming out of babyhood, I feel like we've found ourselves a good groove... But then again, I felt that same way about going from 1 to 2 when I was pregnant with DD2. 
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  • We've gone back and forth. Our master plan prior to having kids was 2 kids close in age, then maybe one more a couple years later if we got 2 boys/2 girls. When #2 was born, DH wanted another one closely spaced. I told him he was insane. Around DDs first birthday I wanted another one. We unsuccessfully ttc for around 5 months around the time DD was 1.5. We put it on hold for a while since timing would be awful now with plans to revisit in another year. The way we both feel right now we're done at 2 but we both changed our minds so many times in the past I'm not holding us to it. lol.
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  • We are 2 and done!!  DH has been snipped!

    We firmly believe that the kids should not out number the parents! LOL

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  • We always said 2 for sure, maayyybbee 3.  As soon as DS2 was born I knew I wasn't done.  I talked to DH and asked him not to get a vasectomy.  We talked about it over the course of the last 2 years and have come to an agreement that we do want one more child.  I got my IUD out in December and we are TTC now.  I hope it happens soon b/c I don't want the 3rd to be too far out in age from the first 2.  I'm excited though! 
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