November 2012 Moms

We're home!

Elias and I are back home; yay!

We are impatiently waiting on DH to go get Auden so we can all be together.   I really want to go get him, but did I mention I had to get our van towed today?   Oh yea, the axle (we think) busted.  And I had to write the tow driver a check because someone used my card and made fraudulent charges; I am impatiently waiting on my new card to arrive.

Ok, now it's gotta get better right?!  Either way it's better because we're home!  :) 

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Re: We're home!

  • Yay! Glad you're home and healthy! :)
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  • Glad everything is okay! Sending good car vibes your way!
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  • WhooHoo! I've been checking in waiting for an update.

    I'm so glad Elias is better and y'all are back home.

    WTF? on the van and card trouble. Grrrrrrr.

    I hope that everything keeps/starts going up, up, and up for your family!

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  • Glad to hear you are home and that your little one is ok. That stinks about your van though. 
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  • Hooray! I was wondering about you and E today. Glad everything is great and you get to be home. Good luck with your other troubles!! Sending good vibes your way :)


  • Yay! So glad you're all back home together!

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    TTC #1 since 3/11

    BFP #1 5/4/11 EDD 1/12/12 natural m/c 5/17/11

    BFP #2 8/9/11 EDD 4/18/12 ectopic pregnancy (methotrexate) 8/24/11 ruptured tube and removal 8/29/11

    BFP #3 3/9/12 EDD 11/19/12 Logan born 11/18/12

    BFP #4 10/21/14 EDD 6/30/15

    ~*~*Everyone Welcome*~*~
  • Yay! Glad to hear! Enjoy being home with your family! :)
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers 46808 845377924360 2036704678 n

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  • ...when it rains it pours... but looks like some sun is breaking through those clouds. I am so happy little E is home safe and your family is all okay!
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  • So glad that you're back home :)  I hope things start getting better - no more car or card troubles!
    "For this child I prayed; and the LORD has given me my petition which I asked of him:"
    -1 Samuel 1:27 Lilypie First Birthday tickers Anniversary
  • Like you guys needed any more crap to deal with . . . but at least he's home!  Hope things only go up from here :)


    BFP #1 06.20.11 I EDD 03.22.12 I MMC 09.01.11 (baby measured 6w4d) I D&C 09.07.11
    BFP #2 02.21.12 I EDD 10.29.12 I DS born 11.06.12

    Surprise BFP #3 07.27.13 I EDD 04.02.14 I Stick baby stick!
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    ** I'm hopping all over boards these days, please @quote me for speedy replies :) **

  • Oh my goodness, I haven't checked in for forever my security credentials for work expired so I couldn't do anything other than take calls on my phone until I went into the office to update them. Anyway, I'm sorry to see this! I went back and saw your other post. I'm sooo glad you're home!!

    "A new baby is like the beginning of all things--wonder, hope, a dream of possibilities."

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  • Yay for being home!  Boo for the other stuff!

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