November 2012 Moms


I went back to work on Monday and am now pumping 3 times during the day. I have pumped before but never so much or as regularly. Anyways yesterday evening I came home and my left breast was really sore, and there was some redness. Today it is less sore, thoug still sore and there is still a red patch. I have no lump, and the pain is not localized to the redness, no fever or other signs of illness. I am trying to decide whether I should call the dr. or wait it out to see if it is just my breasts adjusting to the pumping. Anyone else have experience with this? What do you think? I really don't want to go to the dr. First week back and I have no sick days left. 
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Re: Mastitis?

  • I personally would wait it out. I had mastitis in my third week and you will know...I had the shakes, fever, red streaks on the side of my boob and a lump that wouldn't go away no matter how much I nursed or pumped. It sounds like it might have just been a clogged duct for you...just make sure you nurse as much as possible because baby is more efficient at clearing up clogs than the pump! Good luck!
  • I had a clogged duct that turned into mastitis long after the lump was gone. I would try warm showers, massage, and nursing/pumping more often. If the soreness doesn't go away, or gets worse you may want to call the dr and get an antibiotic.
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  • imagekbl13:
    I had a clogged duct that turned into mastitis long after the lump was gone. I would try warm showers, massage, and nursing/pumping more often. If the soreness doesn't go away, or gets worse you may want to call the dr and get an antibiotic.

    I agree with this. I had a clogged duct and a warm shower and massage helped clear it up. Good luck!


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