
Terrible back pain at 13 weeks? Help!

I have been having a sharp pain in my lower left back/buttock.  Mostly after walking for ten minutes, but today it is pretty constant.  It hurts no matter what I do and the pain is actually nauseating me.  It is mostly in my butt cheek is not shooting down my legs like sciatic pain.

Is this common with a twin pregnancy?  Especially so early?  I am terrified that this is just the beginning and I will have to go through this for 5 more months on  a much more intense level.  I have never had pain like this in my previous pregnancies.

I have a 13 month old who doesn't walk yet, so I have to lift her a lot throughout the day which I am sure is not helping.


Layla 01.08.12


Chloe and Vivian 07.23.13


My Gang.  Halloween 2013

Re: Terrible back pain at 13 weeks? Help!

  • imagehartigan09:

    I had a lot of lower back pain early on. It was never associated with any cramping or bleeding, so my doctor wasn't really concerned.

    A heating pad would help and it eventually went away completely. It wasn't something that lasted my whole pregnancy.

    Mention it to your doctor if you're nervous about it.

    I associated it with my center of gravity beginning to shift and muscles working differently. It all happened around the time I started to show obviously to strangers. 

    Mine is so low that I don't feel too concerned about it being something is just terribly uncomfortable.  I do plan to ask my doctor anyways, just to see his advice.  I'm so glad you said it went away.  I have just gotten pretty obvious over the last 2-3 weeks, so hopefully that is it. 


    Layla 01.08.12


    Chloe and Vivian 07.23.13


    My Gang.  Halloween 2013

  • On Sunday I was in sevear pain, today it has eased up, but I was pretty concerned. I emailed my doc, he said it would be a concern if I was also cramping and or bleeding.

    Heat helped very little. I've been resting a lot. I'm almost 25 weeks w/ twins.
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  • Have you tried a chiropractor? That helped me A LOT! and massage therapy! FInd people who are experienced at working with pregnant women!
  • I have the same pain, in my upper butt/hip area and have had it since about 12 weeks or so.

    For me its worse during the week when I have to sit at a desk, or if I overdo walking.  The only thing that helps me is hot baths and laying down.  I also want to start swimming, to see if the exercise and allievating the pressure on my lower back/hips for a while will help.

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  • I had ridiculous sciatic pain earlier in the twin pregnancy than that of the singleton.  I mustered through it, but I know there are things that can be done to help.  Talk to your doctor about it.  HUGS.
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