
S/O songs...

Do you belt it out when your in the car and a favorite song comes on? I realized today that I knew the words to every single song that was played on the radio (country song) 

Now I'm pretty much known for belting out any of my favorite songs where ever I am. My friends and I went line dancing a few weeks ago and they thought it was darling that I just can't help myself even totally immersed in line dancing my lips are always moving with the words.  Lucky for me, and my friends I'm not tone deaf Wink 


So do you sing along with your favorites ? Does it matter if there are people in the car? DH hates country music, so I never sing with him in the car, but the boys hear me bust out a tune on the regular.

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Re: S/O songs...

  • My voice is so terrible I don't even sing when I'm alone. I can't think of the last time I sang out loud. 
  • I used to not sing anywhere, but since LO came along I sing much more often.  I only sing in front of family but am not shy to belt it out.  My voice is pretty horrid though.  It's pretty low so I typically sing better with guy songs, but it doesn't stop me from attempting to hit every high note.
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  • I sing when I'm alone in the car, or if DD is with me! I sing to her all the time! On rare occasion if a good song comes on ill sing in front if DH or my Mom. But other then that I do people a favor and don't sing out loud!
  • I sing loudly by myself and with DD in the car. DH hates country so I don't listen to it with him, therefore no singing. 
  • I sing at home and in the car all the time. My voice is terrible but I don't care. DH is the same but he will sing anywhere. I am now comfortable enough with my coworkers to sing in the prep room at work. Mainly because they sing a lot too and none of us can really carry a tune.


    First we had eachother.5.27.11
    Then we had you.6.16.12
    Now we have everything.


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  • imagegwinnygirl:
    I don't care who's around, I will loud amp; proud in my car. I love it, especially 90's pop/alt when it comes on the radio. I'm particularly great terrible amp; overenthusiastic at Third Eye Blind songs.

    "Tie me to the bed post."

    Best line to belt out in your car.
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  • If i'm by myself or just have DS with me i'll sing, but that's it. 90s music is the best.
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  • I almost always sing along when I know the words.
    Our sweet girl is 3!

    Lilypie - (R7Ux)

  • <-------- Drama nerd

    I love singing.

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  • imageSpitsNGiggles:
    I don't care who's around, I will loud amp; proud in my car. I love it, especially 90's pop/alt when it comes on the radio. I'm particularly great terrible amp; overenthusiastic at Third Eye Blind songs.

    "Tie me to the bed post."

    Best line to belt out in your car.

    The song you are quoting is Eve 6!
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • imageEXP_626:

    I don't care who's around, I will loud amp; proud in my car. I love it, especially 90's pop/alt when it comes on the radio. I'm particularly great terrible amp; overenthusiastic at Third Eye Blind songs.
    "Tie me to the bed post." Best line to belt out in your car.
    The song you are quoting is Eve 6!

    I was almost gonna say that, but resisted. They're my favorite!

    I wasn't going to, because I'm a lurker. But I absolutely love this song so I felt compelled.

    I frickin LOVE 90s tunes! The 90s was probably one of the greatest decades for music.

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