May 2012 Moms

fun question

When did you KNOW you might be pregnant besides the obvious missed period and test? I knew something was up when i ate a roma tomato whole like an apple and i felt like my boobs were on fire.
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Re: fun question

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    I've been around dog food all my life, then (I would've been about 5-6 weeks pregnant) all of the sudden I couldn't stomach the smell of it, and would gag every time I would feed the dogs.
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    I didn't KNOW, but my boobs didn't hurt, and I did think that was weird. I was afraid that I didn't ovulate because of it and the cycle was another failure. I actually was expecting a negative test when I tested 13DPiui and had convinced myself that the positive must be just because of residual hcg in my system from my injection.
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    When I was absolutely exhausted. I took a test the morning after I was in bed by 8:30 pm.

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    I had a wave of nausea and I thought that was very strange and unlike my normal self, that gave me an inkling of suspicion. Otherwise, I had no idea until AF didn't show for the 2nd day.

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    My boobs. They hurt SO much. When I took off my bra it felt like they were 100 lbs and rock hard!

    This and also my insane sense of smell! I found out at 3 weeks, I knew something was up

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    Twinges.  Like someone was plucking a guitar string down in my right ovary.  Strangest thing I've ever felt.  I knew it then. 
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    We had just gone though an awful flood in our area and we were living with a friend and working at our house during the day. Floods leave behind an awful smell but it kept getting worse not better. I thought I was nauseous because I drank the water which was under a boil water order, until I smelled popcorn my biggest food adversion with ds2 and almost puked. That's when dh said I should poas.
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    Opened a jar of peanut butter, and almost puked. I love PB
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    I could not stay awake. When I fell asleep while DH was making lunch I knew something was up.
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    After everything I ate I had heartburn one day, even a handful of goldfish, i never grt heartburn. Then later that night I kicked DH out of the house for not taking out the trash... I have NEVER done that or even come close. After I became a sane person I was crying and apologizing to DH, he took me to my favorite froyo place to make me feel better. They didn't have my favorite flavor and I started bawling right there in the middle of the store. I knew then I had to be pregnant, it was the only logical reason to my insane personality disorder that I all of a sudden had, we were ttc but I was a week away from af. Took a test first thing in the morning just for kicks and sure enought it was positive!!
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    I felt strong twinges and pinching feelings in my ovary area.  That was the first sign that make my think, "Hmmmm".  With my first my nipples we so sore!

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    Oh my, I can't exactly remember what it was, but I knew something was just off a bit.
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    First day of when my period was supposed to start, I had cramping, but very different than menstrual cramping. Figured something was different that day and a very faint line showed up on the test.
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    The first time, my DH told me. We had been trying for 2 months and he just said one day that I was pregnant. I took a test and he was right! He said I was just different.

    This time, I just knew I could feel that same difference.

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    With DS1 I had no idea! We were not trying and I was charting to avoid so when I was getting ready to go on a business trip I realized my period was a day or so late i took a pregnancy test and there it was a positive!

    With DS2 it was the first month trying and about a week after I expected I ovulated, I got dizzy swinging DS1. I also felt mildly nauseas. I thought I was makin up th symptoms waited until I was one day late and viola!
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    I truly didn't know.  I thought I was super in touch with my body but since I was bleeding, I assumed I had my period and put all symptoms out of my head.  It wasn't until I threw up dinner (I don't throw up) and my friend jokingly told me to take a test (she knew I was on my "period" since we were TTC at the same time.) Well, I did and I was! 

                                                                DS #1 born 05/25/2012   
                                                         BFP#2:  06/12/2013 ---- loss
                                                                DS #2 born 4/08/2014
          BPF#4: 2/1/2016 --- 2/23/2016 suspected molar pregnancy--- 3/15/2016 D&E - diagnosis MM
                                                                   BFP#5 - 9/22/2016
                                                                                                                                     * formally bornmommy

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