If you increase your babies' bottles at night as part of their bedtime routine, how much more do you feed them?
My boys are BM only (I EP for them) and are fed 2 to 2.25 ounces every 3 to 4 hours but I would like to start a bedtime routine that includes a heavier feeding to get them to maybe 5ish hours at night (a girl can dream, right?).
Re: Nighttime Bottle?
Olivia and Matilda, 09/10/201 - Graham, 10/01/2013
I'm not sure how you feel about formula, but my cousin gave her daughter a bottle with forumla before bed. That seemed to help her stay full longer during the night. She EBF during the day.
This never worked for me. Not only would they not sleep longer, but they also did not always take the extra ounces. My boys started sleeping longer when I started feeding them every 2 hours during the day.