
Sick Kid & TV

So first we were snowed in and now LO is sick and I feel like he has done nothing but watch TV for 4 days. I have also not been to work since Thursday and we're home today too - I think we are both going a little crazy! We're going to go to PetSmart today just to get our of the house. We went to to the grocery store yesterday, and that's about it.

So parenting, what do you do with a sick kid other than watch TV? 

Re: Sick Kid & TV

  • Did you let them eat paint chips while watching tv? If not, then I wouldn't worry about it too much. I always try to take the kids outside, sick or not. Fresh air always helps. Coloring, playing with toys, I guess the same things you would do if they weren't sick. Its ok to let them sit on the couch and not put the tv on. You could read to them, play I Spy at things out the window, etc. Hope LO feels better soon!
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  • We've been trapped inside due to the blizzard (and now DD is sick to boot that we're finally able to get out). We made snow dough on Friday and played with that a lot over the past few days, we did finger paints in the tub, baked brownies, made valentine's cards, played with play doh, painted and colored a ton. We laid down on the couch and read lots of stories. 

    We definitely have more TV time than usual (we even got through our first disney movie!) but I try not to be overly excessive.

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