
Poll: Valentines (with or without a treat?)

Do you include a small gift/candy/treat, etc. with your kid's valentines that they bring to school for their classmates?

Can't make it clicky so:

A: yes

B: no, but it is common here

C: no, and no one else does either

Re: Poll: Valentines (with or without a treat?)

  • A

    We did little baggies with Hershey kisses, stickers and DD's valentine card for each kid in her class. 

    Mom to two beautiful girls and forever labor buddy to the fab lady MandaPanda518!
  • Yes, a small treat
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  • A
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  • Yes. This year I made little whale cards that say "you're a blast" and bought rubber whale bath toys to attach to the card. They get plenty of treats so I try to do a non-food item.

    James Sawyer 12.3.10
    Leo Richard 9.20.12 

  • Her valentines this year are a sheet of Elmo with hearts stickers and the pre-packaged Goldfish grahams valentines.
    BFP #1 9/23/09. Missed MC 10w3d D&C 11/3/09.

    BFP #2 4/13/10. Bridget born 12/28/10

    BFP #3 Finn born 8/11/15



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  • I have been wondering about this too! I guess I'm an SS...I don't really know what other people do. DS is not quite 2, and his DC class is ages 0-2. Last year it didn't even occur to me to send valentines, but this year they sent around a list of all the kids' names, so I think it's expected. I don't really know what all the kids can or can't eat, so I'm going to bring a valentine for each kid plus a plate of heart-shaped cookies for the class.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • B, but only because I'm providing the cookies for the class. If I wasn't bringing the cookies I would have gotten some kind of treat. 
  • I'm doing rulers ("you rule" valentine); even though the teachers in DS preschool suggest non-food items I am amazed at the quantity of candy he receives. Last year a couple parents actually filled lunch-sized brown paper bags with candy and other junk (pencils, tatoos, etc), and gave out to each kid. All I could think was (1) expensive! and (2) overkill. I'm not opposed to candy valentines, just trying to be a little creative.
  • We're doing little playdoh, but this is our first year in school on Valentine's day, so I have no idea if it's common or not.

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  • B or C

    I'm hoping it's not common because we're just sending little Valentine Cards that are scratch and sniff.  His classroom is having a party so we signed up to send snacks for that, so hopefully that will reduce the amount of additional treats.

    photo 8653f130-7264-42f4-8d67-9a73d64cacce_zps8c973e49.jpg

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    BFP #1 4/14/10. Big B born 12/28/10.

    BFP #2 5/27/12. EDD 2/1/13. m/c and D&C 6/21/12.
  • C.
    But as a class they do crafts and have a little party.




  • A.
    We are not doing valentines cards, but I am going to make and decorate sugar cookies with dd, to take to daycare.
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  • Yes but not candy or anything to eat.  Our school is very healthy and asks that we not send in food.  For the girls, they are getting little rubber bracelets and the boys are getting stickers. 
    Jenni Mom to DD#1 - 6-16-06 DD#2 - 3-13-08 
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