Has anyone had one twin start out smaller than the other? One of mine was measuring a week behind the other at my last u/s doc said it might be vts...I just want to know if anyone has been told this but both twins evened out?
I think that is pretty normal...mine were about 4 days apart....smaller baby always stayed a bit smaller...6lbs1oz at birth while his brother was 6lbs11oz!
Mine was never a full week behind - but at least a few days. At birth they were 5'5" and 5'9" and today they are the same weight to the OUNCE and the same height....off the charts for height and 75th for weight
Olivia and Matilda, 09/10/201 - Graham, 10/01/2013
At my 20 wk u/s Baby B was measuring 10 days behind Baby A, but at my last u/s (29 weeks) They were almost the exact same size (weight only an ounce apart, and measurements only millimeters difference), so mine caught up nicely.
Very normal! My twin B was smaller the entire pregnancy and was almost a pound lighter than his identical brother at birth. He caught up fast and they are now almost exactly the same size.
Saving money while raising more kids than you bargained for!
Yes mine started about a week apart and are now measuring a day apart and almost exact same size and weight. It is very normal there is a range they allow before starting to worry but most get closer by birth and catch up after.
Re: Twins
Yes. and Yes!
Mine was never a full week behind - but at least a few days. At birth they were 5'5" and 5'9" and today they are the same weight to the OUNCE and the same height....off the charts for height and 75th for weight
Olivia and Matilda, 09/10/201 - Graham, 10/01/2013