I'm so sorry I know this might seem gross, but I have noticed as soon as my husband and I found out we were expecting our first baby, I began seeing a light pink color discharge ONLY when I wipe. I have also been having mild cramping everyday for the past two weeks. The spotting is only every other 2-3 days or so. I talked to the nurse and I have an ultrasound this tuesday, but I'm starting to get really nervous. Has anyone else had the same and had a healthy baby?
Re: Period like cramping and light pink only when I wipe
I had spotting and cramping for three days during week 4- had my ultrasound during week 6 after I had HCG levels drawn. The heartbeat was so small and fast:)
I was told as long as it was not bright red blood with clots and/or more than period cramps then your okay but still needs to be addressed. Take it easy on yourself- drink lots of water and put your feet up.
I had light pink in my discharge and I even freaked out but that was like a week ago so now I am trying to relax.
I had that as well with this pregnancy. Doctor said it is nothing to worry about.
Doctor said, If you are not soaking through a pad in an hour or two, then it's nothing to worry about.
But as always, call your doctor and ask if it will make you feel better.
Sounds like hemroids (sp) but I'm not a doctor... I had those with my last pregnancy, though...
TTCAL Siggy Challenge: "He's my favorite. His birthday is the same as mine almost"
Missing my little one lost at 9 weeks on 2.24.13. brokenhearted but not broken...
d&c 5/21/13... Still Healing, Still Standing...
MMC discovered 10/2/2013, TWINS... d&c 10/7/2013. I still miss you, little ones.
Surgery December 2013 to remove a 10+cm fibroid... Open myomectomy. Benched for 3-9 months...
Will TTC summer Summer 2014 we hope!
Dear God, Since I couldn't hold my little one in my lap and tell him about you, could you hold him in your lap and tell him about me?
PgAL and PAL always welcome...