
Singleton after twins ... Without fertility help?

Hi! Hope everyone is having a great Sunday night : although my twins are five months old, I am already thinking about if we would have another child. I needed fertility help to conceive my twins and am just curious how many of you were able to get pregnant with a third baby without any help.

When I tell people we are considering having a third, their first response is with disbelief "What if you have another set of twins?!?" Which annoys me to no end if I had another set of twins, what do they think I would do give one up for adoption?!!!! but that's a vent for another post :

I have also heard sooo many stories about people who have had fertility help have twins then who got pregnant ASAP with a singleton with no help. I guess sometimes your body just kicks into pregnancy mode again after being pregnant before?

Anyway, thanks in advance for sharing your experiences with me. Much appreciated!!!!!
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Re: Singleton after twins ... Without fertility help?

  • My guys are 7 months and I've had the itch for a little while too. It took us 4 years and ivf to get our little angels so assuming we will have a long wait if and when #3 happens, I've too thought about starting to try also. Im interested to see if anyone with similar experience replies. 
    Fraternal twin boys born at 33 weeks 4 days Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I had fertility help with both my singleton and my twins and surprise now I am pregnant with number four.  So it definitely can happen.  Good luck to you!
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  • We conceived DS with our second IVF cycle after almost three years TTC. We did a FET to get pregnant this time. So our twins came second, but pregnancy didn't "fix" anything. In fact, according to my testing I was in worse shape after having DS than before. Surprise BFPs definitely happen after IF, but if you have an IF diagnosis, I think the chances of being "fixed" by pregnancy are small. That being said, I have seen it happen on SAIF. GL!
    Unexplained Infertility

    After two Clomid cycles, three injectable IUI cycles, two IVFs, two miscarriages, and one lap surgery, IVF #2 has brought us our little boy!

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    TTC #2
    After months of being postponed or cancelled, FET #1.3 (Natural FET) brought us twin girls!

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    Surprise! Baby #4 is due in March!
  • I have two sets of twins from IVF. My husband has a terrible quality/count of sperm and I do not ovulate. That being said, when I smelled Kirkland brand paper towels and immediately hurled, I knew something was up. I'm 28 weeks with an impossible baby. It's weird but I guess it happens. Buy four get one free, is what we say around here.
  • I think it all depends on your DX. We had fertility treatments for DS and these twins, but there is no possibility we could ever get pregnant on our own. 
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  • Yup. It happens. We tried for over 2 years and ultimate did IVF (4 failed IUI's) to have our twins.

    We decided in Jan to "just try"...and first time out of the gate, we're pregnant. Our RE said given DH'snumber it's a miracle. Our issue was MFI, but in my twins group there are ladies with every IF reason you can think of - many who have had a singelton sans problem!

    I love my twins but I have to say I am super excited about seeing what it's like with a singelton! 



    Olivia and Matilda, 09/10/201 - Graham, 10/01/2013

  • My twins were born with the help of clomid.  (They are ID, so the twinning itself may be unrelated to the clomid, but my ovulation that cycle was jump started by clomid.)  I never got a strict diagnosis, other than anovulation, and got pregnant on my first clomid cycle.

    I am currently pregnant with baby number 3 with no intervention (got my BFPabout 4 months after my cycles started up post-breast feeding - oops).  We are not sure if it was just a one in a thousand chance (or whatever odds) that I got pregnant without help or if my body returned to regular ovulation and cycles post-pregnancy.  This is our last child, so we have no intention of finding out whether I now ovulate normally.

    *Siggy warning - loss mentioned*
    Preemie ID DDs; then DS; then natural M/C; now due 10/17
    High risk for pre-term: weekly Makena injections
  • I needed clomid to help get my singleton. My twins came second after IVF. My RE said that my fertility declined quite a bit after my first pregnancy. I apparently have a 0.03% chance of conceiving on my own. So pregnancy did not fix me but I have heard of it happening to others. Always worth a try if you are wanting another!
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