Frikken Nemo. What a name for a storm. We have about 7 inches of snow now and it's supposed to snow until morning. We have been eating junk and drinking since the kids went to sleep
I am sick of winter. And I really hope we don't lose power.
Anyone else snowed in? What are you up to?
Re: Who else is snowed in?
They put a travel ban out here so only emergency personnel, media, and 100% essential personnel can be on the roads or else they face a fine/jail time. Our PD posted an update that with trees/wires hanging so low that the roads aren't passable for police cars (fire/ambulance etc can get through if there's an emergency). One FB friend complained about the "government telling us what to do or not do like they don't trust us to use common sense" and I wanted to reply because a lot of people DON'T have common sense. There was a photo of an overturned vehicle in town and people were like "Shoot, I wanted to go to Walmart" hello, you knew this was coming, it's your own damn fault if you didn't get what you need earlier this week or this morning.
Some people are idiots. DH is never afraid of driving, and he said it was the scariest driving experience in his life. If anyone goes out for WalMart, they're frucking stupid. This reminds me, I think we're looking at generators this weekend.
I just got off the phone with my sister in Boston. She said it's hard to tell how much they actually have because the drifting has been so crazy - there are spots that are almost bare and then spots that definitely have a few feet. She's pretty sure they might have to crawl out a window to get out tomorrow if the wind doesn't change. Right now it's all blowing against her front door, and they have a screen door on it that opens outwards. At least she still has power.
Stay safe, warm, and dry everyone.
BFP #2 5/27/12. EDD 2/1/13. m/c and D&C 6/21/12.
Those people are the ones stuck on the side of the road.
Two words: snow tirtires
plus: urban folks in a panic over snow is fodder for Rick Mercer
I commuted for years in a Mini Cooper with snow tires, from the country, and I'd often see big SUVs and Trucks spun out in the ditch (so, yeah, agree with nutty 4x4driver comment. Doesn't hide bad driving). I usually left before the plows got to us, no trouble. But I learned to drive in crazy bad winter conditions and deep snow, so that helped,
Keags I heard something on the news that you got crazy amounts of snow since midnight. Im up in Ma and were still under a driving ban. The plows havent come around since sometime yesterday late afternoon/early night maybe 6ish? Im on a dead end so im not expecting them to rush to us. I also cant tell how much snow we got bc of how it blew into our house. My dad stuck out his "snow" stick to see how much we actually got so we will see at some point today.
I made it past my goal I nursed for 1 year and 6 weeks! Im so proud of myself!
I'm so excited we still have power ::knocks on wood:: we usually lose it for everything and according to Facebook, most of the town did.
Also, I'm totally fine with the governor closing roads at 4 pm. That made sense. But I'm pissed that we had no school yesterday. We could've easily gotten in a 1/2 day safely and then we wouldn't have to make up another day in June!
Yeah we did! It wasn't too bad when we went to bed and we woke up to craziness. I woke up A few times last night and couldn't even see out my windows! Thankfully the powers still on so we'll just start to dig out slowly.
I'm in CT. Our roads are closed until further notice. DH is out shoveling now, he's going to be sore tomorrow! I'm excited to take DS out in it since last year he was scared of snow, lol, but at the same time he might get lost, haha.
And for me with a Chevy Corsica. I drove to work pushing snow with my bumper the one time. I still lived at my parents and so it was 5 1/2 miles of gravel road, unplowed, at 7:30 in the morning in December so it was dark. Fun times!
And timmies thanks for the laugh over Peter Mans Bridge... Rick Mercer should do a new one
Daughter #1 - February 12, 2010
natural m/c March 11, 2011 at 8 1/2 weeks
Daughter #2 - January 11, 2012
Ectopic pregnancy discovered November 6, 2012 at 6 weeks
Daughter #3 - January 19, 2014
Started our exploration into the world of international adoption June 2012. We have no idea what this is going to look like but we are excited to find out!
I was disappointed on how little we got. My husband and I both love snow. We got about 5-6 inches, but I would have loved more.
However, there is another storm making its way to NJ this week--so hopefully that will bring us some snow.
I know that our superintendent is probably thrilled that this storm only brought us 5.5 inches AND it was on a Saturday--we already lost two weeks of school this year for Hurricane Sandy. I can see him counting down the days til the end of winter.
On mobile so it's not clicky, but I'll just leave this here.