Natural Birth


Our little one is still breech, our midwife is sending us for moxibustion. Does anyone have experience with this? Just curious if it worked for you and how many sessions it took.
BabyFruit Ticker

Re: Moxibustion

  • As a doula I am not particularly impressed with moxibustion. I woukd highly recommend reading the Spinning Babies website. Their optimal fetal positioning advice is terrific. I also recommend reading about breech births natural. I grew up overseas and it totally confuses mr how stuck the US is on breech must mean surgery. My sister had two babies, both breech UNTIL labor, where they turned just before her kids were not born in the US her second was a homebirth. I know many homebirth moms who had breech babies at home with a midwife who was trained in breech. The big issue with breech is to stay upright not on your back stay hands off unless there is a clear indication baby needs assistance.
  • We are planning a home birth and our midwife is experienced in delivering breech but obviously we'd like to avoid that if at all possible. We've been trying a lot of the other baby turning techniques but nothing is working so far so moxibustion is the next step.
    BabyFruit Ticker
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  • My acupuncturist sometimes uses it in conjunction with her regular treatments. I've never had it for the purpose of turning a baby but it wouldn't hurt. It's worked for other ailments I've had in the past like mid cycle spotting. It stopped that for me so who knows? My acupuncturist is awesome and actually sent me home with some sticks to treat myself when needed. They just need to guide you where and how long to apply the heat.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker image

  • I think it's a great idea to try all turning methods. I had a frank breech baby until 36 weeks I did everything it said to in spinning babies and baby flipped the night before my appointment.

    Even spinning babies recommends chiropractic care as well as moxibustion. It certainly can't hurt to try!
  • worked for my SIL.  

    Seems pretty no-risk to me, other than the cost of the appointment, so nothing to lose in my opinion.

    BabyFruit Ticker
  • My first son was breech. I tried moxibustion along with everything else under the sun and he did not turn. I have come to believe that babies turn when they are ready. I know that's probably not what you want to hear. I agree that it probably can't hurt but I'm not sure how effective the moxibustion actually is.

    DS1: August 2009 (emergency c/s, HELLP syndrome) DS2: September 2012 (VBAC)
  • Spinning babies and the chiro worked for our little man! :o) He was breech at 36 weeks and head-down at 37 weeks until he was born.
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