I'm 35 w 1 d with b-g twins and I'm misrable. I've made 3 trips to L&D since halloween night, 2 of which were overnight. I'm taking brethene (terbualine) which is awful - I also have a herniated disc which is horribly painful requiring that I take percocet through the day. I'm on my side for much of the day, drinking lots of water, etc....
I have been charting contractions for a week - they get to 5 minutes, we call the doctor, he increases the brethene or tells me to come in. He has scheduled to deliver me at 38 weeks (Dec 1) but I don't think I'll make it that long.
In addition, I'm now having back pain and cramping with my contractions. The nurses at the hospital said twins are term at 36 weeks and I should just try to make it to that. The babies have been doing great and measuring big -
I see my doctors (perinatal and ob) tomorrow - Please give me some wisdom and perspective here. I'm afraid that if this continues much longer I'll be so exhausted, sore, and depressed that I won't be able to enjoy them or nurse the babies.
Re: Should I push to deliver now or at 36 weeks or hang on???
I don't think you will make it to dec 1. I would try to hold off until 36 weeks unless they tell you otherwise. My peri was deadon accurate with my twins and their development. They stopped growing at 35 weeks, and he was very cautious about delivering them then because of their lungs. He waited one more week then wanted them out asap. As a result we only had 1 day of nicu for 1 baby.
Lots of 35 weekers are fine, and you can even need nicu with a full term baby, so I wouldn't be as focused on the gestation as on how they are tracking developmentally.
Good luck!
I had a very similar situation. Essentially, I was in labor for several weeks, but not dilating because both babies were footling breech. So, I was on terbutaline for the contractions (because they really, really hurt) and was miserable. Every time I'd go to L&D, the tocometer would be off the charts with the contractions, but they weren't doing anything. The doctor was totally baffled that there were no cervical changes (but I consider myself lucky).
I also had tons of back pain -- I had 13 vertebrae fused a decade ago -- and my pubic symphysis had separated, so I could hardly walk. I was on hydrocodone for the pain. It was terrible.
They scheduled my delivery for 35w6d. This was based in part on the babies' weights -- my boy was 7lbs, and my girl had stopped growing a week and a half before I delivered and was 5lbs 4oz. Both were perfectly healthy. Her growth slowdown was one of the main reasons we delivered.
As bad as it was, I was almost 100% better as soon as I delivered those babies!! So, hang in there. I'd follow your doctors' lead here. If you need to deliver at 36 weeks, the babies will most likely be perfect. I know a lot of women on here will tell you to hang tight and wait as long as possible, but when you're in so much pain that you have to be on painkillers, well, it's a little different.
Good luck.
Like the previous posts advised, wait as long as you can. If your Dr felt it would be more beneficial for the babies to be born now, they would have done that. The last few weeks are difficult. I was scheduled at 37 weeks and my guys were 4 pounds 9 ounces and 5 pounds 5 ounces, while they had less than 24 hours in the NICU, and they had great apgar scores, they were still small and it was cold/flu season. Every day counts at this point, as long as the discomfort is not having an impact on them, they are better off staying in. I know that doesn't make it any easier for you, but you can get through it.
Definitely wait as long as you can. I would always remind myself, I would rather be miserable than risk my babies being sick and miserable.
Good luck, hope you feel better.
Even though I for the most part agree with the other posters, I have a somewhat different oppinion. At the end of my pregnancy, I was in and out of the hospital just like you (7 times total, twice I stayed for 2 weeks each). It was absolutely miserable. I was on procardia, I could not handle terb. I was essentially in labor (with contractions 4-5 minutes appart) since week 29. I delivered at 35 weeks 3 days.
My suggestion to you would be to stop taking terb. at 36 weeks and see what happens. My take on this is -- if the babies are ready to be born, they will come out. My induction was scheduled for 36 weeks (mono-di twins, they wanted to prevent complecations related to shared placenta), but girls had other plans. I went into labor 35w2d. My girls were born 5lb3 and 5lb10 and had no NICU time! They went home with me in 3 days when I was released.
Whatever you decide though, I wish you the best of luck! And your babies will be worth all the suffering and pains of the last days of being pregnant.
hang in there, at least until 36 weeks. i gave in and delivered when i was miserable like you are, and i really regret that i didn't hang on longer. my boys were fine and all, but if i'd waited just a few more days, they likely wouldn't have needed any NICU time.
you can doooooo it!
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Everyone's case is different of course. I was induced at 38 weeks and I never thought I would make it to that. However, I am glad I did. My girls were small even at 38 weeks, one being under 5 lbs. I now wish I could have had another week to "cook" her in there.
It is so hard (the last few weeks). But if the babies are still thriving inside of you, I would try to push on as long as you can. Some days, I took it one hour at a time (instead of one day at time) just to get through the day. Everyone says this, but the last weeks will all be worth it when you see your babies in your arms.
I'm another vote for hang in there. NICU time is the absolute worst, way worse than any physical pain that I've been through. I was on terbutaline from week 26 on and I hated it but the babies still came early (34 weeks) and the 2 weeks they spent in the NICU were the worst 2 weeks of my life. I'd take pain over that time any day.
Hang in there and I'm sure whatever happens you'll be fine!
You can do it! You have come this long don't give up now. Your babies need to keep growing and get strong healthy lungs.
My babies measured at almost 5lbs from my u/s, but were only 3lbs 11 oz when they were born. The u/s are not always accurate.
Every sore ache and pain you have now will be so worth it when you hold your chunky healthy babies.
You can do it!!!!!!
My sons were born at 35 weeks and required a 2 week NICU stay. Don't push to deliver at 35 weeks.?