Two Under 2

XP from 12-24 board: Advice on climbing out of crib

I also posted on 12-24, but wanted to here since I may get some helpful avice from Mommies with 2 U 2. My DS is 17.5 months old and has been a climber. Last night I had a hard time putting him to sleep, which is unusual...I think because of his cold, so when I checked the monitor after hearing him crying, I saw both legs over the crib rail. My heart stopped and I flew up the stairs (we have hardwood floors and just a think throw down carpet for decor purposes). He luckily fell back into the crib! My H said he did the same thing this morning when he went to get him, and just now saw him him with both legs over the PNP side (I put him in while I hop in the shower and get ready for the day). This is bad timing with a baby on the way, but I am not sure what to do. I do not want him falling and hurting himself so we are thinking of converting the crib to a toddler bed, baby proofing his room better, and installing the safety gate in his doorway. Any advice? I hate to do this before I need to. Are these signs that it is an imminent concern? I thought we had at least until 2 years!
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Re: XP from 12-24 board: Advice on climbing out of crib

  • If he is starting to try to climb out, I say it is time to put him in a bed so he doesn't get hurt.
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  • That's what we were worried about, but seems so early. We spent yesterday realllly baby proofing his room and convert,ed the crib today. He did well tonight. He was s little freaked out when he saw the front missing so I stayed with him until he dozed off. So far so good...
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  • I agree with pp.  It is time to move him to a bed.

    ETA: sorry, I should have read to see that you have just done it.  Good luck.  At least you will be all done with the transition when the next one arrives.  We'll be moving DS out of the crib around 19m and into a bed in DDs room.  She moved to a bed at 21 or 22m.

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