Hi Ladies - my toddler has been having a runny nose for over a week (fever on and off). Today, I'm blowing his nose, and there's blood coming out together with the rest of the stuff. Not just a drop - it was much more than I expected. I blew his nose a few minutes later, and got the same. Have you experienced this with your LOs? I'm not too worried, but it was just weird. I'll call the doc, just in case, but they're not open for another hour. Thanks!
Re: Question
I'm in the camp of calling when I see blood from anywhere so I hope they can shed some light. They could suggest saline spray for his nose to keep things from drying up. Totally goes with a cold and add the heat in the house and the mucous membranes go a little nuts.
And I hope you guys don't get clobbered today with the snow!
I do have one child who is prone to nosebleeds, although she didn't start having them until she was around 4 or 5. They're worse in the winter when the air is dry, and worse when she has a cold or allergies that have caused her to blow her nose a lot. They also seem to happen more at night, for some reason, although not always at night. After a nosebleed, she is more prone to having another one for a few days, if she sneezes hard, bumps her nose, or blows it hard.
I would certainly check with the doctor, just to make sure, but I wouldn't be surprised if it's just a normal kid nosebleed.
Ditto saline spray. I have also had good luck swabbing a little glob of neosporin up in the offending nostril. This can help patch up an angry, injured spot and give it time to heal, preventing other nosebleeds.