Pre-School and Daycare


What do you do with a three year old who is spouting off swear words?  My husband and I NEVER swear and it's NOT ok in our house.  I don't know where he is hearing them, and I don't think he even knows what they mean, but it is really upsetting me.  I want it stopped now.


Re: Swearing

  • I don't know WHERE he heard it.  DH and I NEVER swear.  Like, ever.  I'm 99.9% sure the babysitter never swears.  The only other place we go is church.

    We did have a very serious talk, which ended in tears.  I'm hoping it helps.

  • If you make a big deal they learn these are important words and will say them more. At three if he is saying a lot of swear words he is learning from someone.

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  • Dh swears and I do occasionally but not often. Ds1 has said a couple of choice words and I just tell him those are bad words that adults use sometimes and they are ugly and not for kids to say. It worked for him. He's 4. Our other one is 2 and he hasn't said any that I'm aware of but the oldest is around daddy more working in the garage so I suspect that is where he picks it up.

  • I'm pretty sure they babysitter doesn't swear either.  She doesn't let them watch any TV, and we don't watch anything around Levi that uses the F word, which is what Levi seems to be saying.  Maybe he's trying to say something else, and it's just coming out wrong.
  • DD learned from me and dropped the F bomb and damn this wk.  After I laughed silently (and together w/ H) I asked her what it meant. She had no idea. Then I explained the words are not nice and may offend someone so we don't say use them. True, it's only been a cpl days but we haven't had a repeat.  If there is, I will explain the offense again. Offer alternate words if needed and finally time out if the issue persists.
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  • I finally figured it out.  He heard the F bomb from our horrible neighbors.  Aside from a whole host of other bad habits, the Dad will come out yelling for his daughters to "get the F*** in the house", etc.  I'll be SO glad when we move next month.  On the bright side, I haven't heard another slip up from DS.  Thanks!
  • imageLulobug22:
    Dh swears and I do occasionally but not often. Ds1 has said a couple of choice words and I just tell him those are bad words that adults use sometimes and they are ugly and not for kids to say. It worked for him. He's 4. Our other one is 2 and he hasn't said any that I'm aware of but the oldest is around daddy more working in the garage so I suspect that is where he picks it up.

    Similar to this.....we have told him that they are grown up words and he shouldn't say them. It seems to work with a rare slip up
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