Hey all,
So after giving Cheesecake Therapy a call, they have a tea party scheduled in their store until 1, so they'll be pretty busy until 2. Because of this, we decided to hold off on meeting up at cheesecake therapy until another day.
We've decided instead on meeting up at a Udi's cafe (udisfood.com) at either 12 or 12:30. We'll be meeting at the Udi's in Arvada (7600 Grandview Ave). I had a poll going for a bit, but now it's broken again, so reply with your option on time, as well as maybe what you look like so we can all find each other.
If all goes well and we get a lot of participation this week, maybe what we can do is have a monthly meetup somewhere central, and then other meetups in the south and north so people can start getting to know those who live in their surrounding areas!
EDIT: Poll broke, couldn't change it, so ignore it!!!. Also, the Denver location is not open on weekends (thanks Surely Funke for looking that up!), so we've decided to stick with the Arvada location.
Re: Saturday meetup details - Please join us!
Just make it for noon and call it a day. I don't think there is enough difference between the two to bother.
And if we are there long enough, we can stop for cheesecake afterwards
As per request, noon it is.
Btw, I'll be the short pregnant asian gal (pretty stereotypical I know, sorry). I'll try to get there a little before noon so people can have someone to look out for and to try and reserve some space. I don't really know the demographic of Arvada all that well, but I'm assuming a short pregnant asian woman will most likely stand out at least a little!
I'm about 5'7 with shoulder length brown curly/wavy/messy hair. I'm just 16 weeks, so I'm at that possibly pregnant or possibly just a little chunky phase.
Absolutely! We can plan one a bit further south next time so you can make it
I hope you can make it out! I'll definitely keep an eye out for ya
Oh no! I hope you all feel better soon! We'll definitely do this again so you can come out