We are 31 weeks and have bought a full stash of Mother-Ease One-Size diapers. My question is, do babies typically use a bigger clothing size with these (or other bulky) cloth diapers? We have a ton of clothes 3months+ and some 0-3 but I don't want to buy more if she skips that size altogether. By the way, baby is consistently measuring 97th percentile so will likely be big on her own, without the big diaper bum so aside from 2 newborn outfits we've skipped that size altogether!!
Re: Clothing size?
Your baby will likely not fit into a OS diaper at birth.
A was nearly 8 pounds and was still in newborn sized clothes at the beginning.
Her cloth did not ever really affect her clothing size too much.
Suddenly my life doesn't seem such a waste,
It all revolves around you.
My son was 8lbs 10oz and wore his newborn clothes for a couple weeks. The 0-3 size stuff was wearable but baggy. At 2 months, he's wearing his 3 month sized clothes now and they fit fine over his diapers.
I agree though, your one-size diapers won't fit at first. Some of my OS diapers started fitting about 4 weeks, but other brands are still too big for him at 9 weeks.