Cloth Diapering

Clothing size?

We are 31 weeks and have bought a full stash of Mother-Ease One-Size diapers.  My question is, do babies typically use a bigger clothing size with these (or other bulky) cloth diapers?  We have a ton of clothes 3months+ and some 0-3 but I don't want to buy more if she skips that size altogether.  By the way, baby is consistently measuring 97th percentile so will likely be big on her own, without the big diaper bum so aside from 2 newborn outfits we've skipped that size altogether!!


Re: Clothing size?

  • Your baby will likely not fit into a OS diaper at birth.

    A was nearly 8 pounds and was still in newborn sized clothes at the beginning.

    Her cloth did not ever really affect her clothing size too much.

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  • Our DD was 8lbs 9oz at birth and we used NB sposies that the hospital gave us for the first 10 days until the meconium was gone. She was below her BW for the first month b/c of BF issues and was mainly in gerber NB shirts for the first weeks at home. NB clothes fit her ok even when we started using her cloth (fitteds fit the best with a NB cover, we also used NB sized prefolds and a few NB-sized AIOs), and 0-3 clothes were huge on her until about 6 weeks when we really hit our stride with BFing and she really started putting on weight. That first month, they really are tiny (with skinny legs) but it does go fast so you should be fine with mostly 0-3 stuff. We're just putting the 0-3 stuff away and moving up to the 3-6 which works better over her bigger cloth diapers now.
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  • My son was 8lbs 10oz and wore his newborn clothes for a couple weeks.  The 0-3 size stuff was wearable but baggy.  At 2 months, he's wearing his 3 month sized clothes now and they fit fine over his diapers.

    I agree though, your one-size diapers won't fit at first.  Some of my OS diapers started fitting about 4 weeks, but other brands are still too big for him at 9 weeks.

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  • The only real issue with clothing while CDing is that you want pants that have stretch. Fitted jeans are not CD friendly. CD babies normally go up to bigger onesies a bit faster, simply because most of them don't accommodate the slightly extra bulk. I did find that Gymboree onesies were a bit better in this area in the smaller sizes. Overall, it is probably just easier to ditch onesies and have shirts and pants for LO. Extra layers means extra work getting a diaper change done!
  • Mother ease one size are quite bulky. We started using them at seven weeks, around 11 lbs. 0-3 pants fit over them okay, but looked a little funny. The mother ease are just now fitting without making him look so bottom heavy. He's wearing some 6-9 and some 9-12 pants at 7 months and 16 lbs. FWIW, we liked the small air flow covers well enough, but I couldn't get a good fit with the mediums. Blueberry coveralls work great and then you have the options of snaps or aplix.
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  • I've also seen people suggest onsie extenders.  You can find them on Amazon or Etsy.  I don't know if they sell them at BRU or whatever.
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