
2 camera monitor with iPhone app?

Is there such a this as a 2 camera monitor with iPhone app?  I have been trying to find one everywhere and nada.  All the new ones that have app's are all single camera set ups.  I have e-mailed Summer Infant and the "iPhone" monitor and neither of them have this set up.  Anybody else have any luck?
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Re: 2 camera monitor with iPhone app?

  • I am using dropcam.  you buy each camera for $150.  there is then an iphone app and you can also login via their website (my dad logs in and checks on the boys all the time, he loves it).  the only thing is you can't really use it for an audio monitor because it only sends alerts for movement/activity every 30 minutes.  we use an avent audio monitor and then pull up the dropcam app to see if we really need to go in.  it works well for us, there are limitations and it's not perfect, but it works pretty well and the family love the ability to be able to login and see the boys.

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  • The dlink cameras work and you can hear sound. You just have to buy two of them. You can view via the web or iPhone app. We bought them for our dogs. I'm a FTM. :)
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  • You know, I never thought of this! It'll probably help me feel better when I go back to work
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  • We have the ibaby and like it a lot. It only has one camera so if they have separate rooms that won't work. But, if they're sharing a nursery, you can use your app to move the camera around and see both cribs. 
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  • We bought two Foscam cameras ( , and then a regular audio monitor.  The cameras say that they have audio, but it really makes the video very choppy when you turn on the audio.  I'm not sure if there is an actual app, but you can monitor the cameras from any internet-enabled device, and the night vision is fantastic!  Our kiddos aren't here yet, but we have the cameras hooked up and we think they are going to be perfect. 
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  • I just bought the Foscam camera, and I have a blog post I am going to follow (I didn't right the blog fyi) to set it up! And the writer of the blog has a app that she recommends for the IPHONE!
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