Toddlers: 12 - 24 Months

Rec. your humidifier

I'm looking for a cool mist humidifier under $50.  Any suggestions?  


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Re: Rec. your humidifier

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    We bought a Crane humidifier from BBB and LOVE it
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    We got a Crane one too, and also love it. Got ours at Target, and I know they sell them on amazon.
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    We also have the crane one shaped like a frog. I have no complaints.
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    We went thru 3 so far and ended up with Vicks cool must bc when DS is sick, we can put the Vicks pads in there and it helps loosen things up. We love it! The crane ones are cute, but ours leaked. The regular one and the elephant one.

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    I don't have a suggestion because we have a dinosaur one from my mom (from when I was a kid, ha ha). Def get an ultrasonic, not the wicking kind. They both need to be cleaned often, but the sponges/wicks get gross really fast and I don't think they work as well for little snuffly noses.


    **Ed to add: Nevermind about the ultrasonic, cool mist must mean you already want an ultrasonic humidifier :-)

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    Do the crane humidifiers have filters in them that get all nasty?
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    omg, I don't have a humidifier to rec, but we bought the semi-expensive Brookstone model and it's crap.  It started making a terrible noise around 6 months and I thought we were cleaning it until one night my LO pushed it off the table and a piece popped off and there were the most disgusting growths I've ever seen in there! My husband and I still joke that there were animals living inside that thing!
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