Two Under 2

What do you do when...

Both kids wake up at the same time and need to eat at the same time?

DD was born Jan 31st and is only five days old. DS is 13 months. So far they both wake up at the same time and both are hungry! I nurse and thankfully right now DH is home right now and gets DS breakfast while i nurse. But he goes back in a week. DS is a bear if he doesn't get fed! How do i get breakfast or lunch or dinner for DS if DD is screaming to eat too?? What do you do?
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Re: What do you do when...

  • Couple of ideas:

    A. Set up DS in his high chair with something quick to tide him over like cheerios. When DD is done nursing, make him whatever his "regular" breakfast.

    b. Have DH prep breakfast for DS prior to him going to work. Let DS sit in his high chair (I'm assuming he can self feed, right?) then nurse the baby while you sit in the kitchen with him.

    With regards to lunch/dinner, I prepped ahead of time. I utilized the time DH was home in the morning to do as much prep work for the rest of the day as possible. It got a lot easier when #2 got older and didn't eat as frequently.

    Hang in there!

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  • I would try to prep the older one's breakfast ahead of time.  If I'm awake before the kids I start getting sippy cups and bottles ready, etc.  If you have to be the one to feed both of them, I would try giving the older one something like Cheerios as PP suggested. The other alternative would be to wake the baby up and feed him first, but I can understand that that's a last resort!
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  • You could get your eldest's breakfast ready in the evening before bed and put it in the fridge so you can just pull it out and go.

    Do you have a carrier? Are you comfortable with the carrier? Are you doing well with nursing? if these are all yes that I'd pop your youngest in the carrier, latch them on and get your eldest sorted out for food. 

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  • We do easy breakfast and my big boys wake up at pretty much the same time each morning. I get up before them and have their breakfast ready. I did this after having ds2 and ds1 as only 15mths old. I had everything ready to go so all I did was put him in his booster seat. I do things like breakfast bars, cheerios, fruit (that is already cut up) or grits. 
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  • I had all of her meals cooked, plated, and wrapped in the fridge. I even poured sippy cups with milk or water. The last thing you want to do whole bfing and a screaming toddler in the background is try to pour a gallon of milk one handed. 

    In the morning I grabbed milk and dry cereal (or even just container of puffs) and nursed on the couch while she watched Sesame Street.  

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  • It's 6:30 am here and I have been up since 5:45 ( my own choice) to prep for the day, including breakfast. Although mine are now slightly older than yours currently are mine are about the same age gap. DS#2 has water for his bottle, and his bowl with cereal and bananas in it. DS#1 has his sippy ready. They both wake up at about the same time. The easiest answer for almost anytime they both need something is to prep a head of time, if possible!
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