
Stroller advice for twins

So we have a Double Snap N Go to use for the first 6-8 months or so.  Now we are trying to decide which stroller to get for after that.  We are on a budget.  I'd like something light for everyday use, but also something that is pretty durable.  We are considering the Combi Twin Sport, City Mini Double, and Maclaren Twin Techno.  Obviously the Combi is the best price of the three, so if you've had it, how did it hold up and would you recommend it?  We also like taking walks in the park and on trails, so we're thinking of getting an all-terrain stroller later on (probably off of Craigslist).  Any recommendations besides the Bob?  If I get the Combi, will I need to get an all-terrain or do you think it will hold up for taking walks?  If you have any suggestions on brands or anything else, it would be greatly appreciated!  
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Re: Stroller advice for twins

  • I have the Baby Jogger City Select and it has been amazing!  It is pricey but I feel worth every penny.

    I've been looking to get some cheap umbrella strollers for traveling though and have no idea what to get.  

  • I struggled big time with strollers and we ended up going through several to find a functional one. We use the combi twin sport for our everyday use. It's lightweight, fits in doorways and Turns on a dime. Had I known about the city mini I think I would have gone with that bc everyone raves over it but it is a little pricey if youre on a budget. So far though I'm happy with the combi. Good luck. 
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  • I have a combi that I got used from another twin mom and it seems to hold up great! It is super compact when folded but feature rich when unfolded. I think it is easy to over think this type of thing, which I totally have done. Oh and check for a used one if you get it, I got mine for 50 on CL. Worst case you can resell it if you don't love it.
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  • I love my Combi. It's definitely my everyday stroller for shopping, doctor visits, etc.

    I have a Valco I got on CL for "off roading.". I use it for the zoo, long neighborhood walks, etc. I really enjoy the flexibility of having both.
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  • My Combi held up to daily use for a year and a half, until my girls started to refuse riding in a stroller after they turned 2.  Loved it - fit through doorways, easy to fold, lightweight.  I would not recommend it for offroading - it is fine on paved trails and sidewalks, not so much on mulch or grass.
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  • I did the Baby Jogger City Mini GT because we also like to hike and do trails the wheels are amazing and the thing glides like butter so worth the money!
  • We LOVED our City Mini double. We just sold it last week to a family with 6-week-old twins and I miss it. ;) We had a DSNG until the boys were 6m and bought the City Mini when they were 4m so there was a little overlap. We also had a Graco DuoGlider someone loaned us. Personally, I much prefer a SBS to a tandem especially once they are 1+. My boys were much happier in a SBS and with a tandem the one in back always kicked the one in front. I also personally find SBS much easier to steer. There were occasionally places where a tandem fit better (like our post office, or it was good if I was shopping someplace like a drugstore that didn't have double carts and needed a bigger storage basket) but 95% of the time I went with the City Mini.

    ETA: One of their actual "jogger" models would be better for off-roading. I didn't look into those since the Mini was at the top of our price range. (You could look for one used; I bought mine for almost $400 but sold it 3.5 years later for $150.) The Baby Trend double jogger might be good for you guys if you want something less expensive than  BOB. The City Mini does steer beautifully and turns on a dime, ridiculously easy to fold and unfold ... here's a review of it I have on my blog if you want more details:

    You could also consider the City Micro as it's a very similar stroller but half the price. Just doesn't have the amazing sunshades or full recline.

    fraternal twin boys born january 2009
  • Thanks so much everyone!
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