I'm 5 weeks and were considering Athens Regional Nurse Midwifery. I cannot find reviews or anything. Please tell me everything you know. Lol. Open to other suggestions as well. :
Hi there! I am 23 wks preggo and we started visiting the midwifery clinic right after we found out at around 6 wks. They are all very nice but being that this is our first baby and I had to have gall bladder surgery at 13 wks, I chose to switch to an OB because I wanted more involvement from my doctor than I felt the midwifery was giving me. I also wasnt happy with having to prompt them for blood work results cause they would have never brought it up if i hadnt, and it may have just been with me but around 10 weeks I got a bad sinus infection and called them for advice on what to take and never received a return call... Another downside to the midwifery that I was not happy about was not having a choice of where we wanted to deliver. With them you must deliver at Athens Regional and I wanted St. Mary's. Meet with them and see what you think, it may be just me that had a bad experience with them and I just wasn't receiving the care I expected. If you do choose to go with an OB, Dr. Halbach is amazing and I love her! Good luck and hope this helps!
Re: Athens Regional Nurse Midwifery