Baby Names

Twin girls

Came across a friend of a friend who is pregnant with twin girls. Their names will be Bryn.lee and Ber.lyn

Bryn.lee has grown on me b/c I know a sweet little girl with the name but Ber.lyn is just no doing it for me.


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Re: Twin girls

  • Gross!  I really hate matchy twin names.
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  • Those are both so, so awful. 
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  • image526SadieSadie:
    Those are both so, so awful. 


    I'm assuming Berlyn is an awful misspelling of the German city, Berlin?

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  • I don't mind matchy match but those names are so NMS
  • imageMrsJ723:

    Those are both so, so awful. 


    I'm assuming Berlyn is an awful misspelling of the German city, Berlin?

    That's what I assume, as well.  Why not Berlyn and Parys? OR Berlyn and Munych for a Germany theme Wink

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  • No thank you. 

    I find out this week what my twins are... none of the names we have picked out match.  

    Began TTC #1 in January 2011
    Confirmation and Removal of Endo - March 2012
    +#1 on 4/1/12 - m/c @ ~8w 5d
    +#2 Tx cycle 4 - 5 mg Letrozole + 75iu Follsitim & Ovidrel w/ IUI on 11/13/12 - EDD 7/23/13 
    7 week u/s revealed THREE babies, all with heartbeats.  153bpm, 148bpm, and 136bpm
    9 week u/s revealed loss of Baby B.  A and C are growing on track.  A measuring 9w1d with 172bpm and C measuring 9w0d with 179 bpm.  
    Elective sex determination u/s on 2/8 revealed... boy AND girl!
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  • I feel the oppisite. I think Berlin is mature sounding. Brinley is trendy and sounds like a baby name.
    "Bedo" - Apr. 16, '13

    #2 - EDD Nov.
    15, '14
  • I think they are both awful!
  • image526SadieSadie:

    Those are both so, so awful. 


    I'm assuming Berlyn is an awful misspelling of the German city, Berlin?

    That's what I assume, as well.  Why not Berlyn and Parys? OR Berlyn and Munych for a Germany theme Wink

  • imageMrsJ723:

    Those are both so, so awful. 


    I'm assuming Berlyn is an awful misspelling of the German city, Berlin?

    I'm blind. I kept reading it as Beyl-lynn. Brynlee is definitely better out of the 2.
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  • I like Brinley but only spelled like that. 
    Nothing is more discouraging than unappreciated sarcasm. 
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  • image526SadieSadie:
    Those are both so, so awful.nbsp;

    (Former UN: iloveshanej)

    Birdie born 05/01/2007
    Rainbow Surprise Baby due 05/26/2017                                          

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  • Misspelling a major world city is a perfect way to broadcast how edumacated you are.

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  • imagestrawberrytree:
    Misspelling a major world city is a perfect way to broadcast how edumacated you are.

    Double Ick!

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  • imagestrawberrytree:
    Misspelling a major world city is a perfect way to broadcast how edumacated you are.

    Ha!  I bet they haven't even been to Berlin.

    Both names are quite terrible. 

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  • Yep, those are bad.  I am not a fan of matchy names on twins but I don't really side-eye people that do it, however, spell them correctly and well pick better names!
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  • I used to babysit a set of twins named Breelyn and Brooklyn

    DS1-7/21/2011 @ 1:51am

    DD-5/29/2013 @ 2:40pm

    DS2-5/29/2013 @ 3:21pm

    #4 EDD- 9/28/2016

  • My opinion is don't use punctuation in between names.  If you are worried about people finding out you are making fun of their names don't post it publicly.


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  • Not a fan of matchy names but I do love the name Berlyn.
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