Attachment Parenting

Good carrier for hiking?

My husband and I are avid hikers during the nicer weather.  I was thinking of investing in a nice, sturdy carrier for this spring / summer.  We have a baby bjorn now, but I can't see us going on long hikes with a 1+ year old in that.

Does anyone have any good recs for a sturdy, ourdoor carrier that would work with well a 1+ year old?


Re: Good carrier for hiking?

  • Any proper soft structured carrier that does back carries will be light years ahead of a Bjorn. I have an Ergo Sport, which works well when DS cares to be carried.
  • imageEllaHella:

    Are you looking for a framed carrier like these?

    They are worth the investment for avid hikers.  I can't imagine using my Ergo for a studier hike.  We have the Dueter Kid Comfort and have no compliants.  I take my Camelbak bladder and put it in one of the pockets.  We even taught DS how to drink from it.


     Yeah, I have been going back and forth over whether or not we would need something like this or if an Ergo or something similar would do.  I want this to be as easy on our backs as possible.  Thanks!


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  • imageEllaHella:
    Do you do long hikes with considerable elevation change? 

    Ehh, well we live in NOVA (as do you, I see).  So as much as you can get here.  We usually go to different places along Great Falls, the C&O Canal, and sometimes we venture out to Shenandoah.  I don't think we would do anything more than a few hours at first. We have been know to go on full day hikes while camping in Shenandoah, but I obviously don't think that would work well with our daughter.

     Last summer she was so little, so we were scared to do anything too crazy.  I guess we will just take it slow :)


  • imageEllaHella:

    Are you looking for a framed carrier like these?

    They are worth the investment for avid hikers.  I can't imagine using my Ergo for a studier hike.  We have the Dueter Kid Comfort and have no compliants.  I take my Camelbak bladder and put it in one of the pockets.  We even taught DS how to drink from it.



    especially if you dont have an extra person to carry stuff then a hiking carrier is a must.  we went on a hike with our LOs in an ergo and becco.  it was fine for carrying them, but even just the limited amount of stuff you need on a day hike (water, some food, etc) we had a big problem with once we werent with a group where someone else could carry a pack.  

  • imageEllaHella:

    Are you looking for a framed carrier like these?

    They are worth the investment for avid hikers.  I can't imagine using my Ergo for a studier hike.  We have the Dueter Kid Comfort and have no compliants.  I take my Camelbak bladder and put it in one of the pockets.  We even taught DS how to drink from it.


    We have the osprey pogo plus and my DH really likes it.  The carrier itself is too heavy and bulky for me, so I use my boba if I need to carry DD.  But we took this carrier to California and it was really great.  We did some light hiking and walking around and it's nice to have the extra compartments so I didn't have to bring a backpack.  I would compare it to a stroller in terms of bulk (we had to gate-check it).  It has a sun shade that we used with DD and lots of places to attach toys.  DH even uses this if we go for a long walk at home or to the grocery store.

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  • Personally, unless I really needed to haul heavy gear I wouldn't want to use a frame pack for several reasons...

    1. they are heavier

    2. they generally are not as ergonomic for kiddo (as in seat to the knees)

    3. they put kiddo's weight further from your center of gravity meaning you are less stable on the trail

    If you want something that is built like a well made hiking pack - get a kinder pack.  If you are worried about heat, get one with the mesh panel.  I think you will be very hard pressed to find a frame pack that is more comfortable for either you or kiddo. 

  • I like hiking with the Ergo, but it can get pretty warm.
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