
Twin Sale?

So my area (DuPage near Chicago) is apparently having its annual twin sale coming up in March... 

I have no clue how much money to come with. I won't be buying a crib but anything else is fair game.

Do people sell for like half of retail, 3/4, 1/4? 

I'm trying to figure out how much to have ready to spend that day. 

Eat your food people. You are pregnant, not made of glass. ~PrimRoseMama
The Benes Boys were born 9/3/13! woooo

Re: Twin Sale?

  • It really depends. i've found that you can "bargain" down sometimes (at least with my twins group).

    It depends on the brand, how "used" it is, etc. I would plan for 3/4 of retail and be happy if it's less. 



    Olivia and Matilda, 09/10/201 - Graham, 10/01/2013

  • We went when I was about 24 weeks pregnant.  I knew I would receive clothes at my showers for the newborn and 0-3 month ages, so we focused on 6 and 9 month winter clothes (our twins were due in June, born in May).  We needed boy and girl clothes and spent about $100.  We probably overbought a bit, but it was good b/c winter clothes are more expensive to buy retail than summer ones and I found what I did and did not like for baby clothes.  Also, we bought socks, which I hadn't really thought of, but are ridiculously expensive retail.

    I have also bought Halloween costumes at a twin sale for super cheap.

    B/G twins born 5/12

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  • If I can go (I'll be well into 3rd Tri then), I'll be there too!  
    TTC #1 2+ Years with Unexplained IF
    1st & Only BFP: 1st IVF w/ ICSI, 3dt of 2 7-cell, grade 2 embryos on 8/25/12
    Beta #1 9/5: 87.2 BFP! - Beta #2 9/7: 248 - 1st US @ 6w3d Two Heartbeats! - MoDi Girls!
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    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • Hey MY club is one of the groups at that sale (there are two multiples clubs there- Dupage Doubles and Double Blessings <my club>)..... I usually spend $160-$190.  That does not include any gear- just clothing.  If you want any other info- let me know.

    Oh and prices start at 50% of retail and go down from there.  And there is no marking down or bargining at the sale- we don't do 1/2 off after a certain time either.  There are not just club members as registered sellers in our resale so what is on the tag is the price.

  • ive been to a lot of mom to mom sales near me, and it's like garage sale type pricing. I never pay more than half of what something cost retail, and that's if it's immaculate and I really need it.
    Married 07/2011 <3
    ID Twin girls 04/2012 <3<3
    Baby #3 Due Jan. 2017  <3

  • I usually spend 120 or less. They probably will take a check so you wouldn't have to bring cash but of course double check that!
    Saving money while raising more kids than you bargained for! Image and video hosting by TinyPic Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • imagechickaboo1974:

    Hey MY club is one of the groups at that sale (there are two multiples clubs there- Dupage Doubles and Double Blessings <my club>)..... I usually spend $160-$190.  That does not include any gear- just clothing.  If you want any other info- let me know.

    Oh and prices start at 50% of retail and go down from there.  And there is no marking down or bargining at the sale- we don't do 1/2 off after a certain time either.  There are not just club members as registered sellers in our resale so what is on the tag is the price.

    My Mom was looking into paying for my membership. I'm not sure which one I'd be lol

    Also thanks! We JUST found out about it from two people at the college my Mom works at this is helpful 

    Eat your food people. You are pregnant, not made of glass. ~PrimRoseMama
    The Benes Boys were born 9/3/13! woooo
  • and thank you everyone else too! I'm SOOO excited for my twinnies! 

    I'll bring cash to be safe lol 

    Eat your food people. You are pregnant, not made of glass. ~PrimRoseMama
    The Benes Boys were born 9/3/13! woooo
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