My LO is enjoying books more and more and I have been reading to her a lot more! Our current favorite is Where is the Green Sheep? I'd love some new recommendations! What Do your kids like these days?
DS's favorite is Goodnight Moon, he must read it before bed and he goes around the house telling everyone, including the dogs, and everything, even chairs and ALL his trucks, goodnight.
He is really into animals right now because he loves making the sounds and tries to say their names, so any book with animals on it it's a hit with him!
We have a look and see book. Each page is a different color with different items on it. She loves it when we tell her to find the item and she can look throught the book. It seems to be helping with her colors too.
DD has just gotten into the Olivia books by Ian Falconer. They are really cute.
Also, she just got a Cinderella book from my mom and she looooooves it. "Lella, Lella, Lella!!!" And when Cinderella is running down the steps and loses her shoe she says, "Bye, Lella! Uh oh! Shoe!!!" (she has watched the movie a few times already, obvs.)
Re: Books!
~*~*May 2013 Moms Website*~*~
DS's favorite is Goodnight Moon, he must read it before bed and he goes around the house telling everyone, including the dogs, and everything, even chairs and ALL his trucks, goodnight.
He is really into animals right now because he loves making the sounds and tries to say their names, so any book with animals on it it's a hit with him!
My Blog: Naturally Mindful
YES!!! This exactly. I constantly call him Elmo but caught myself falling into Eva's Melmo chanting.
My DD says Melmo too
<a href="" title="Parenting Advice"><img src="" alt=" BabyFruit Ticker" border="0" /></a>
That is just so stinkin' cute!
P.S. Where have you been!?
My Blog: Naturally Mindful