Maybe this is sort of random but how did you come up with your child's name? Did you and your SO pick it, did you take any input from EM?
I had a dream that we adopted a boy (DIA) and the birth mother wouldn't sign the termination papers because she hated the name we'd chosen. Yup.. my dreams are that irrational.
I'd love to hear how you ladies picked...
Re: How will you/did you pick your child's name?
Well, I had been thinking about names for years. Seriously. I bought a bunch of baby names books and would look on baby names sites. I came up with a list of names I liked. I had DH go through them and tell me which ones he liked. We talked about it, and then we narrowed it down (eventually) to two boy names and two girl names. About a month before DD was due, her birthmom asked us if we had thought of any names, so we shared them with her. We didn't know if she was having a boy or girl. She didn't really comment on either boy name, but she preferred one of the girl names. She also asked what we thought of that name with her middle name as the baby's middle name if it happened to be a girl. We liked it and said yes.
She did have a baby girl, our daughter, and her first name starts with the same letter as her birthmom (Z) and she shares her middle name with her birthmom and her birthgrandma. We love it
She hadn't said anything else about names (if she had picked any) and I guess I was afraid at the time to ask. Not sure exactly why I was afraid but I was. At the hospital she actually gave DD a different first name (same middle name) and we were surprised. Not upset (we had no right to be upset) but just surprised. We were caught off guard, I guess. We talked about it with DD's birthmom's caseworker because I wondered if we should leave her name as it was given to her by her birthmom. (This was the day following the baby's birth and DD's birthmom had already left the hospital.) Her CW said that she (DD's birthmom) was aware of our choice and was okay with it; she just wanted to give her this name. I was truly unsure of what we should do - we were torn. But in the end we decided to go with the name with had all talked about and agreed we liked.
We haven't adopted yet, but we have a list of names we've been working on since before we got married (10 years ago). We have a girl name in particular that we have our hearts set on, so I hope it won't be a problem.
I hear you on the crazy adoption anxiety dreams! You are not alone.
15 treatment cycles: four early m/c
Moving forward with domestic infant adoption!
Home study approved 5/13, now just waiting...
TTC since June 2009
01/10- Femara
03/10- Femara
07/2010- Clomid with injectables and IUI #1
08/2010- IUI #2
06/2011- IVF #1 BFP!
09/2011- Miscarriage at 10 1/2 weeks
11/2011- FET
01/2012- Start Home Study process
03/2012- Home Study approved and now waiting on our child to find us!
07/2012- matched with a BM who is due in October!
11/10/12- our son is born!
11/13/12- court grants us custody!
12/28/12- finalization! Always ours in our hearts, also ours forever
She's Forever Ours! Finaliaztion-12.26.12
We had been tossing around names for years. We finally settled on one a few months after we were placed with DD. I had seen it, DH sorta liked it, then he saw a actress with that name and said, "That's the one."
DD's birthmom had already named her so her BC wouldn't just say Baby Girl X. She asked what our name idea was, and was thrilled with our suggestion.
Blogs: Our Growing Family - CT Working Moms

We had names picked out for years. When we were waiting, we narrowed girl names to our top three. When we met BM for the first time, she asked if she could have input into her name, which kind of threw us off. She then said she wanted to help choose the middle name. When she told us the name she liked, we fell in love with it.
We told her our top three first names. She told us which one she liked the best. We ended up going with another first name, but kept the middle name she chose.
We were in the delivery room with her during the birth and while she labored, she wanted to know the name we chose. When we told her, she said she loved it and cried. She put it on the birth certificate, but obviously with her last name.
We gave our son's birth parents a top 10 list of names and asked them to eliminate 3 or 4. Then we asked them to choose the middle name. Once they eliminated the first name choices they didn't love, we picked our top 3. They had a list of 3 middle names.
Once he was born, we figured one of the names would jump out but it didn't. After the first day or two, I decided to look up meanings, and one of the names meant, "joined together in harmony" so we picked that one because I thought it was super sweet in light of how we all came together. They picked the middle name that went best with that first name (and it happened to be the one we loved most!) and that was that.
We're planning to adopt a toddler from China, so our kiddo will already have a name. We're planning to give him/her an "American" first name and use his/her Chinese given name as a middle name. I'd love to use a family name in some way, whether than means two middle names or just a family name as the first name.
For a girl, I have SO many names picked out that I love. For a boy... nothing seems quite right yet.
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Heading to China in November 2014 to bring our son home!