I had to put the twins in their cribs and walk away for a bit today. They were so tired, but are both teething and miserable and won't sleep. When I left the room and shut the door, I told C not to go in there. I went downstairs to change my spit up laden shirt and heard her in their room.
When I got upstairs, she was coming out of their room and I chastised her. I went in to check the situation and saw that she had gotten her glo worm, started the music, and put it in E's the crying one crib.
::heart melt::
This is my siggy. Love it.
Re: AW My kid is sweet.
This is my siggy. Love it.
This is my siggy. Love it.
Most punctuation gets deleted on mobile. It's part of the reason I don't make sense half the time.
This is my siggy. Love it.
Thanks! They're napping pretty well right now.
This is my siggy. Love it.
Oh my gosh...that would melt my heart and I'd probably cry too (I'm overly emotional these days.)
She's nicer than my DS. He tries to give DD things to calm her, but he gets annoyed at her crying and just tries to throw things at her.
You have to remember this story for when they're older and fighting, so you can remind her how much she used to love her little siblings