Baby Names

Horrible Name Sharing

I work in a medical office where we process 500+ files a month, I wanted to share some of the horrible names I've come across in my 6 years being there.  Seems to be a fun thing to do on this board so I figured I'd join in.






Majestical (this was a male!)

And the one that takes the cake: Sesame Street (I wish I was making this up, this was a woman's first name- her last name was not Street)



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Re: Horrible Name Sharing

  • I always want to join in on these since I have seen many odd names in my profession, but I am always afraid someone I know would see it.
  • Those are horrid. I used to see bad names at my old job all the time. My favorite was The Poof period added for Google purposes. Yes, "The" was part of her name. She had it legally changed, so we can't blame her parents for that, anyway. As is to be expected, she was totally cray cray.

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  • Boleslaw makes me crack up.  I can't even say it without laughing.  Wixie and Patches sound like dog names.  Are people really so hard-up for names it comes to this?
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  • Siblings:

    My Tiara Lastname

    Yh.ormajesty Lastname (period for google, good idea!)

    The also had a sibling with a totally normal name. WTH...

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  • a teller at the bank I used to go to for work was named SODA POP. yes all caps. I asked her about it one day and her parents were from a different country and wanted their daughter to have a very american name and this was what they came up with. She said she loved it. 
  • There is a Boleslaw in my husband's family tree from WAY back that was the brother of King Wenceslas of Bohemia Christmas song guy. Too bad DH is related to the evil brother that stabbed the good king!
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