Hubby and I have a few names we like. We have a 3-syllable last name that starts with W, so I like some shorter ones but thankfully always have had an easier time picking girls' names. Here they are:
Elise or Elsie
Claire or Clara
Re: girl names - opinions?
Norah: okay, but not my style
Elise or Elsie: okay, but not my style
Claire or Clara: okay, but not my style
Miriam: okay, but not my style
Your girl names are mostly NMS. I like Norah, Claire and Clara. Miriam is a name I don't hear that often (I do have a bad association with the name, so that's the reason I'm not jumping up and down).
Macy---much too trendy.
Norah---prefer without the h. But I love this name anyway.
Elise or Elsie---Prefer Elise. Like it.
Claire or Clara--prefer Claire. Love it.
Miriam--Love it.
Macy- I think this is really cute for a little girl, but I can't imagine calling an adult Macy.
Norah- Not my style
Elise or Elsie- Not my style
Claire or Clara- LOVE Clara
Miriam- really not my style
Elsie too cutesy or a nn
Norah. Like
Claire Clara. Like Clara better
Miriam. NMS but a nice solid name
Macy. don't like it
My two girls Flower and Ayla Faye
Norah: I think this name is pretty.
Elise or Elsie: Elise is nice. Elsie reminds me of Elsie the cow.
Claire or Clara: Eh for both.
Miriam: It seems like a grandma name to me.
Claire is one of my favorite girl names. I had it at the top of my list, but it didn't sound good with our last name so we crossed it off. It's so beautiful!!
I also like Elise and Miriam.
Macy- Dislike.
Norah- I love this name. I plan on using it on a future baby.
Elise or Elsie- Love Elise. Elsie would be a cute nn.
Claire or Clara- I really like both. I prefer Clara.
Miriam- NMS at all...
Married my best friend 10/12/12
TTC 1 since 10/12
NTNP Fall 2013 to focus on a healthier lifestyle
Macy- nms
Norah - love
Elise or Elsie - I like Elise, Elsie is cute, but I prefer Liesl as the nn
Claire or Clara - I like Claire for a mn, I prefer Clara as a fn
Miriam - I like this one (especially with nn Miri), but it feels very Hebrew to me, and I think people would side-eye me b/c I'm not Jewish.
I kind of like Elise Claire or Clara Elise as pairing. Norah Claire would be cute too.
#2 - EDD Nov. 15, '14
Love all of these names with the exception of Macy and Elsie. Norah and Clara are definitely my favorites.
DD is Norah so obviously I'm a little biased.