Parenting after 35

'sup, ladies!

Just dropping by because I was busted for posting on another board (ahem!). I had to take a Bump-cation because I was a Preemie Board addict!!!!! and it wasn't doing wonders for my PTSD when RSV started and all the posts turned to qualifying for a shot or not (we never did). Yeah, it sounds crazy, huh? It is but you can't help it when you've watched your baby grow outside your body for third tri!

I've been testing the waters and have not clicked on the Preemie Board so I think I'm good. I like to lend my support and all but I'm already involved with the community in so many other ways. Just. Needed. a. break...I'll click there when ready.

So that's a little about where I've been. Things are good, DS is good - he is in full toddler mode (help). He turns two next month (say what) and I think I'll be doing an Aquabats party. But I'll letcha know cuz I'll be around <3

Looking forward to catching up! 


Re: 'sup, ladies!

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