Hi everyone,
I intro-ed here months ago, but tend to hang out on the TTCAL board. My name is Mandy and I am 35. I experienced my second MMC in December. Given my age and the loss history (back to back, both MMC, 6 months apart), I went ahead and began RPL testing with my RE. I've got some auto-immune thyroid stuff going on, but I also just received my AMH bloodwork. Unfortunately, the lab posted the result over the weekend, so I can't talk to my doc about it until Monday. argh.
My AMH came back low: .53 ng/mL. I'm trying not to freak out, but according to Dr. Google, this puts my ovarian reserve akin to someone over 45. I'm also reading that it may mean that I will enter menopause early or that I could be peri-menopausal already. Cue freak out.
I know I don't have the full picture, my RE still has to run FSH, estradiol, etc. b/c I got pregnant in November before he had a chance to do so.
Anyone else have low AMH and have any light to share that might get me through to my appt. on Monday? Right now I just feel like crying.
Re: Re-intro and AMH question (pg, m/c mentioned)
About a year ago I had my AMH tested at it was .59, and yes, I freaked out and I don't know why since I was approaching 40. My FSH is always around 7-8. Nine months later I had my AMH tested again and it was 1.8, and yes, I had a bit of sigh of relief. I don't know what to say. It seems crazy to me that mine tripled 9 months later. I did lose 22 lbs in between tests. My RE says that weight loss (if you need to) helps. Don't cry and try to stay calm. The FSH is an important part of the picture as is the antral follicle count. It's an entire clinical assessment, so don't put too much weight on the one test.
At this point, I've told my RE I no longer want to know the value of my amh or fsh. I have to know the antral follicle count because she counts out loud during the u/s. She can test them, but I've told her I don't want to know. I can't control it and the numbers drive me crazy. I know how you feel. I told her, unless they are game changing, I don't want to know. I just proceed with her recommended treatment.
Also, I am very sorry about your miscarriages. Good luck and hang in there!
BFP #1, 3/12, EDD 11/9/12, MMC 3/27/12, D&C 4/10/12
BFP #2: 11/16/12, EDD 7/25/13, MMC 12/5/12, D&C 12/6/12, Complete molar pregnancy confirmed 2/9/13, benched for 6 months until August 2013
IUI #1, 8/16/13 Femara + Menopur, 3 mature follicles, BFN
IUI #3, 10/8/13 Femara + Menopur, six mature follicles, BFN
BFP #3, 12/9/2013, while on treatment break, EDD: 8/22/2014 Please stick and grow, LO!
Additional Dx: hypothyroidism, TgAb positive & anti-TPO positive, POR/DOR (2/2013), and suspected endometriosis
******All AL always welcome******
My Ovulation Chart Fruit
DS born via unplanned C-section at 40w6d
Thanks so much, jb2rn. That makes me feel hopeful.
BFP #1, 3/12, EDD 11/9/12, MMC 3/27/12, D&C 4/10/12
BFP #2: 11/16/12, EDD 7/25/13, MMC 12/5/12, D&C 12/6/12, Complete molar pregnancy confirmed 2/9/13, benched for 6 months until August 2013
IUI #1, 8/16/13 Femara + Menopur, 3 mature follicles, BFN
IUI #3, 10/8/13 Femara + Menopur, six mature follicles, BFN
BFP #3, 12/9/2013, while on treatment break, EDD: 8/22/2014 Please stick and grow, LO!
Additional Dx: hypothyroidism, TgAb positive & anti-TPO positive, POR/DOR (2/2013), and suspected endometriosis
******All AL always welcome******
My Ovulation Chart Fruit
High FSH/Low AMH - DX DOR March/April/May 2011 Clomid - BFN; 6/2011 Femara - BFN
July 2011 Femara + IUI - BFN
August 2011 Injectables + IUI - BFN
Surprise BFP 11/2/11!!!
Beta #1 - 9; Beta #2 - 39; Beta #3 - 197!! Yay!!
11/19/11 - we have a heartbeat! Get comfy, baby! Baby girl born 7/12/12, she's perfect!
Toridear, this is music to my ears! Do you mind telling me what supplements you were taking? I'm annoyed with my RE because when I tried to talk to him about supplementation, he said there was not a lot of good data and it just isn't true! I've found lots of info in peer reviewed medical journals about the wonders of DHEA.
BFP #1, 3/12, EDD 11/9/12, MMC 3/27/12, D&C 4/10/12
BFP #2: 11/16/12, EDD 7/25/13, MMC 12/5/12, D&C 12/6/12, Complete molar pregnancy confirmed 2/9/13, benched for 6 months until August 2013
IUI #1, 8/16/13 Femara + Menopur, 3 mature follicles, BFN
IUI #3, 10/8/13 Femara + Menopur, six mature follicles, BFN
BFP #3, 12/9/2013, while on treatment break, EDD: 8/22/2014 Please stick and grow, LO!
Additional Dx: hypothyroidism, TgAb positive & anti-TPO positive, POR/DOR (2/2013), and suspected endometriosis
******All AL always welcome******
My Ovulation Chart Fruit
Hi Ms. Amandapants,
I am a bit older than you, at 43....so, I don't think that my supplement regime would be the same for you, but my RE doesn't recommend androgen DHEA 75mg/d due to the sideeffects, which are male pattern hair loss, acne and the efficacy is in doubt. He stated that his research found no evidence of their claims, so just be careful with that one. Or, try to ask a couple of doctors their thoughts....
I am sure that you take a prenatal vitamin with folic acid, one of the golden supplements is CoQ10, I am on a 800mg a day dose, but not sure if you need that much. My RE said, if you just take one...that would be the one to take. Maybe, just half the dose, you will need to discuss the amounts with your doctor and or get a second opinion to help you out.
The others include: Myo inositol 2grams, twice a day, Melatonin 3mg at bedtime(don't take if you are taking thyroid medications), Omega 3 fatty acid 1,000mg once a day, Vitamin C 500mg once a day, in the morning, Vitamin E 200IU once a day, Pycnogenol 100mg once a day, L'arginine 1,000 twice a day.
Maybe, do a search on the bump, at the top of the website page and query supplements and see what pops up, maybe, someone more your age group will have a list for you. Just a thought.
Oh, and yes, doing acupuncture, yoga, eating as organic as possible and plenty of water really helps!
Hope this helps. Best of Luck and Let me know how it works out for you...
Me too. Mine was .3 when I was 34. I got pregnant naturally 7 months later after 3 failed clomid IUIs.
I'm TTC 2 right now at age 37.5, and in the 2ww from IVF 1. The last time my AMH was tested it was .01. My RE suggested natural cycle IVF, and this morning I got a HPT. I'm still cautious, as I haven't had a beta, so I don't know if its viable it anything. But, it's , which I haven't seen in a year of trying.
Please don't give up hope!! As my RE says, "don't pay attention to the numbers, it only takes 1 egg".
Good luck!