Hi my name is Kate.... And I practice attachment parenting haha
I thought I would introduce myself since I plan on frequenting this board. I actually didn't know much at all about AP until a few days ago. I've been going by my gut when it comes to DS. After hearing from mainly my ILs about how I'm spoiling my baby etc and CIO suggestions, I decided to look into parenting more as CIO seemed naturally cruel to me, as did forcing my 3 month to start a schedule, I hated hearing he shouldn't nap in my arms or his crib shouldn't be in my room yadda yadda and I'm glad to find this board for support as it seems to fit in with my beliefs.
Re: Intro
Oh and why can't family keep their opinions to themselves? They had their chance! Arrrrgh
DS: 11/1/2010 DD: 8/9/2012 #3: 4/2019
this is what I did and now finally they've learned to keep their negative opinions to themselves. I also don't bring things up to discuss that will cause a debate. They also know I'm very strong willed and in the end am going to do things the way I see fit.
i like this! Thank you