DaisyZH0505@yahoo.com. New members are always welcome!
This week in Praise: Praise for Amyaggie97, R?s follow-up with the cardiologist went well, let?s all pray that she gets another clean scan at 7 months! Special Prayer Requests davidandheather: Prayers for her mom to get well from chronic illness and for her mom?s future independence. Prayers for you and your DH as you take care of her as well. AmyAggie97: Prayers for health for her family during this awful cold and flu season. Prayers for everyone for good health and quick recoveries to those that are ill already. Also, let?s Welcome our newest member RealLifeWithKids!!! Do you have a praise or prayer request? Let me know either by responding to this post, PM-ing me or e-mailing me at Here is our Bible Verse for the week: Proverbs 3:5-6 ?Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight."Here is our Question of the day: Are you doing anything for the Super Bowl? Are you a big sports fan or just more into the commercials?
I?m not into football but we go over to my FIL?s house and eat dinner and watch together.
Re: Adoption Prayer Group : )
Question of the day: Are you doing anything for the Super Bowl? Are you a big sports fan or just more into the commercials?
We don't really do much- we're not big football people but we like to watch the commercials. We invited my in-laws over and my husband is making a big pot of chilli. He's excited to 'host' it this year. I did enter a pool at work (I'm new to the district and so it felt like something to do to be social) so maybe I'll get lucky and win a quarter. Any money towards our fees would be great!!
5 Angels