I know everyone grieves differently but the more of an out-pouring of support I have the more I feel like I don't deserve it. I feel like I am responsible for my baby's death even though my midwife tells me there was nothing I could have done and when people e-mail me or tell me that they are praying and their heart breaks for me I don't feel like I'm one of the people who deserves that kind of support and when I have a day like today where I'm calm and able to function I literally feel disconnected to the woman that I was 9 days ago that gave birth to a stillborn baby boy she had been preparing for for 9 months. I feel crazy. I feel numb. I feel like I don't belong anywhere.
Pregnant after 1 miscarriage and 1 late loss. Due July 20, 2013. I am on daily Lovenox injections after finding out I have MTHFR deficiency and Homocystinuria. I hope with this treatment we will bring home a baby this time. I believe in you, Nugget.
I am a mother to an angel baby boy, born still at almost 39 weeks gestation on January 23, 2013
Re: does anyone else feel disconnected sometimes?
I understand what you mean. It's so hard those first few weeks because ever hour is different. Even now I have times when I don't want to talk to anyone or see people. I have learned over time to do hat I can. You definitely deserve all the support and prayers what you went through, what we went through is horrible. No mother should have to have these feelings. I am thinking of you.
Due with baby boy # 2 in May 2016
DD #1 born January 2014
The best advice I've gotten about dealing with people when you're not ready is don't. My SO's mother lost her son when he was 17 and I know it's not the same but it IS grieving a child and she told me don't feel bad, worry about you. People mean well so don't be angry but this time is for you. People will get over it or they won't. You're not being rude and you have nothing to defend when it comes to how you grieve.
I remember feeling like that. I still feel like that, even though I'm almost six months out from losing Devon. The first few weeks after losing him were overwhelming - both because of my emotions and because of all the support. It was amazing, all the flowers, food, thoughts, cards, emails that we received. Some days, I was so grateful; others, I was so bitter that the reason why I was getting all that was because I had lost a baby. I felt numb for a long, long time. I still have those days where I feel numb, where I can't believe this now my reality - that I'm a loss mom.
You are NOT crazy. You are handling things the best you can, and that's all you can expect of yourself after something like this happening. Thinking of you. *hugs*
I felt the same way. Every time I received a card in the mail I felt thankful that someone cared, but then felt so angry that I was getting a sympathy card.
For the most part, we didn't get a lot of support. It's sad to say, but people, especially a lot of our family, just stayed away from us. The next time we saw most of my extended family at a wedding, they acted like we had the plague. There have been very few people that continued to reach out to me after the cards stopped and my husband went back to work.