Babies: 6 - 9 Months

Babies on Soy Milk Please come in

Hi All

 My LO possibly has a dairy allergy and my ped wanted us to try soy milk.  Hes been having a rash on his face that will not go away with creams or anything. Im a bit nervous though with little research on soy milk and the fact that there are hormones in it.  I guess I just need some moms to ease my fears.


Re: Babies on Soy Milk Please come in

  • Hormones like it acts like estrogen? Meh. Not too worried. We just got on it because LO had a tummy bug and the runs wouldnt go away. My thoughts...

    1. My son was lactating he had so much of my hormones. While that was naturally happening, I dont worry about 5 months tops of his getting plant-based estrogen-mimicking whatever

    2. I hate having to use formula anyway. I dont think it's great whether it's milk-based or not. Cow's milk is made for baby cows to grow crazy amounts their first year. I dont necessarily want that for my kid either. 

    3. Allergies/inflammation are way scarier in my mind. If my kid was allergic to something, second choice would soon become first choice despite it's thorns. 

    Good luck- and it smells awful.  


  • DD was on soy formula for months with no issues until recently (she was on soy because DH has a milk allergy and there was a concern that she would as well when we had to stop breastfeeding).  We did have to attempt the switch to a milk based formula because the soy was causing her serious constipation, which we were told can be an issue with soy formula.  We never had any concerns about or issues with any hormones present in the formula.  Good luck!
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