Babies: 6 - 9 Months

What is your baby babbling?

Hi ladies,

My little guy (7 mos) seems to be babbling all the time and makes sounds like "ah-goo" "ah", "yah, "ga," etc.  He hasn't started making sounds like "ma," "da," "ca,""ba" etc. or any real consonant sounds (I guess except for g). Not sure if this makes sense.  Should I be concerned that he is not making consonant sounds yet? The What to Expect First Year book seems to indicate he should be doing this by now.  What is everyone else noticing with their little ones?


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Re: What is your baby babbling?

  • my LO started the "dadadadadada" sound a little over a week ago... i wouldn't worry... sounds like your LO is definitely working on it! :)
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  • The first year What to Expect seems a little ahead of the others things I'm reading sometimes. The book the pediatrician gave us says to expect babbling by 8 months. Sounds like your little man is already babbling and is increasing his vocabulary with all of those different sounds! Breathe easy, mama! I think y'all are right on track! ;o)
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  • My LO LOVES babababababa
    He also likes dadadadada.

    Every so often he will give me a little mamama.  But most of the time it's babababa or blowing raspberries 

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  • DD was saying "ah goo" for a long time, but that was it. At around 7-8 months, she started saying "mamamama" and "dadadadadada"

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  • DD is the same age as your LO, and only in the last couple days has she said, "mamama" and even then it's not very often. I'm sure our babies are normal!
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  • For about a week Hayden hasn't stopped saying babababa.....I'm secretly pleased its not dadadada! She is 7 months tomorrow. 

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