So ever since we found out we were expecting last week I have been experiencing very mild cramps. They arent bad enough to where I want to take any pain relief medicine but they are annoying. I felt like this was going on too often (2-3 hours 3-4 times a day) for it to be just one baby and figured it was twins.
This was confirmed on Tuesday at my first u/s. Based on my blood work the week before he put me at about 8 weeks but now that we know it was twins and their u/s measurements place them at 7 weeks today. My question is did any of you ladies have more frequent pains like this? I am terrified of miscarrying. I never went through this much annoying pain with my other two pregnancies. I am not bleeding or anything either. Am I just being a worry wart? I feel like a new mom all over again.
Re: mild cramping..round lig pain or what?