DH and I have starting thinking about potty training DS. He is only 19 months old, but he is very interested in what we're doing when we are in the bathroom. We don't plan on fully potty training him just yet, but we ordered a potty for him, and we are going to just start telling him that that's where he goes "potty" like when we go on the big toilet. Anyway.... I was wondering if anyone has started potty training DC #1 yet and what your experience with it has been. TIA!
BFP #1:10/31/10 DS born 6/22/11BFP #3:4/24/12 DD born 12/31/12
Re: Anyone potty training DC#1?
I didn't actively start potty training DD2 until after her sister was born, but I remember I had the potty out probably from the time she was 20 months old or so. For 6-ish months, we just let her use it when she wanted. We did encourage her and praise her when she did, but didn't force her to either.
We probably would have done the actual training earlier, but I didn't want to deal with potty training (or a freshly potty-trained child) and adjusting to life with the new baby at the same time.
We had a lot of stops and starts until she turned 31 months. All of sudden, everything clicked and she started peeing all the time on the potty. We put her in underwear at that point. We had all sorts of issues getting her to poop on the potty until she hit 35 months when, again, everything clicked and we haven't had an accident since.
Whether you decide to start now or wait, don't be discouraged if you have to backtrack a time or two. When they're truly ready, it will happen. Your LO is still quite young to PT so it could go either way at that age. Good luck!
Mine are 17 months apart. At 15 months (I was huge pregnant) my toddler came to me, said poop and proceeded to poop in front of me. I had no clue what to do so I did what I always do... I read a book.
Check out: "Early Start Potty Training". It's an interesting look at early potty training.
My main advice is to wait until the baby sleeps thru the night. It's gonna be tiring and take a lot of patience. Sleep for Mamma helps.
We went full force once the baby was STTN and he was out of diapers by 20 months. Coincidentally I also started putting the baby on the toilet (hey... we were spending a lot of time in there!). Would never have considered doing it but read about elimination communication in the book and figured why not - I've got nothing better to do. Baby was pooping pretty much exclusively in the toilet by 5 months. Then I went back to work and dropped the ball but he too was out of diapers (day time) by 20 months.
It's totally do-able but it's gonna take some highly devoted time and effort.
Good luck to you!
Total score: 6 pregnancies, 5 losses, 2 amazing blessings that I'm thankful for every single day.