To say this is frustrating would be an incredible understatement. DD has been fully potty trained for nearly a year now. All of a sudden, she's been having accidents. I know why, I'm just not sure what to do about it. She says she needs to go so she goes to the bathroom but while she's standing in front of the toilet, pulling down her pants, she's being silly. She's dancing around and screaming "I need to go potty! I need to go potty!" and then she just goes in her pants. It's not happening every time but once a day, sometimes twice. I try to tell her to calm down, no dancing around when she is in the bathroom (I tell her it's because she could fall and hurt herself, she claims she is dancing around because she needs to go SO BAD) and to just pull down her pants and go potty. If I tell her this immediately before she runs off to the bathroom, she's fine. But if she just up and goes by herself without telling me first, she usually has an accident. This has been going on for over a week. Any advice??
Re: Suddenly not making it to the potty in time
DD#1 went through that right around 3 yrs 4 months. She was too busy and would only tell me afterward. It was either at a playground or while she was playing on the computer. So after an accident she wasn't allowed to do those activities until she peed first.
I like the idea of suggesting more, but would focus more on activities that distract her from getting there on time. You don't want her to become reliant on your cues even when she'd get there on time.
BUT that said, even through elementary school, potty time is offered regularly throughout the day.
Just one question... my 3 yrs, 6 month-olds go on their own without me. Are you always present when she goes potty? Sounds like she's enjoying the theatrics, Would more independence help?
No, she goes potty, wipes and washes her hands on her own. But sometimes, lately, she'll made a production about the fact that she has to go potty. That's when I stop her for a second and tell her to calm down and just go.
Yeah, sounds like she's holding it too long and pushing the limits of her bladder. Not unheard of for a child who has been using the potty for a while to get overconfident or push the limits.
I agree with the suggestions to remind her and to limit time at very engaging/distracting activities like computer.