Coworkers and I went to lunch. On the way back, we were traveling behind a minivan that was swerving in and out of the lane, randomly slamming on the brakes, and generally being a sh!tty driver. We followed the van onto a highway, where the driver tried to merge onto a crowded 60mph highway at 15 mph.
One of my coworkers said something about a project we needed to work on when we got back to the office, and I joked, "yeah, as long as this guy doesn't cause a pile up and kill us all. He's the worst driver I've seen in a long time."
My coworker gasped and said "you can't say that! He's handicapped! He can't help it!"
The van had one of those disabled license plates, grab bars by the back, and a sticker that said "poodles make the best service dogs!".
I didn't, and still don't, feel like that driver should get a free pass because he or she has a handicap. The van nearly sideswept several cars. That's dangerous.
I did apologize to my coworker since he seemed so massively offended, but I'm not sure I was wrong.
Am I wrong for thinking this guy was a crappy driver? Or does he or she get a pass bc of the disability? For the record, I thought he or she was a bad driver before I noticed the handicap tag.
Re: Does this make me terrible?
If he can't safely operate a motor vehicle then he shouldn't be driving.
It isn't like saying "man, that guy is a crappy walker!" because a disability prevents someone from walking.
He isn't going to accidentally walk into someone and kill them. He can accidentally crash into someone and kill them.
Was the service dog driving for him?
A crappy driver shouldn't get a pass if they are disabled. If you are too disabled to drive safely then you shouldn't be driving.
Was he alone in the van?
"Man, be creative. Like the stuff you do. Do nice things. Love respectfully. Laugh a fucking lot. Curse when you feel like it. Life is cool." - Jean Grae
There was a cop car directly behind me so I assume the cop will handle it if needed.
Being disabled does not entitle you to be a crappy driver.
How does your co-worker feel about all the elderly people who drive into farmer's markets and what not? Should we not blame them and feel bad for them because they are old?
What if the driver was having some medical problem?
I would have reported it. And, I also am handicapped.
There was a police car behind us during the worst of the swerving, and it really would be impossible to miss.
Thanks guys! I am the easiest person to guilt trip and I wanted to make sure I wasn't being a douche.
You are far from a douche!
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